Found the Grill of my dreams


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
I found this gem at a garage sale and I’ve always wanted a two burner Char Broil with the forward controls and east / west burners. I’m going to restore it and replace my E320 with it.
Here are some pictures of the restoration.

As I bought it.

Look at that great quality!

So long E320

Starting the restore.

A little rattle can repaint.

I extended the wheel base to give it that long and low look.

Gotcha! Now you can quit screaming at me through you computer screen.

The other cart I built from a 1000 series grill was too tall for Barb who is 5’8’ and I’m 6’1” and it was awkward to get things in and out of the mini even for me. So I looked around for an old Junker grill that didn’t have a frame that went from end to end. So I could get the mini down lower and I needed it portable because we move things around on the two patios.

The char broil was the perfect candidate, but I needed to make it a little wider which I did. Also that char broil was assembled with plastic push in screws like they use to mount the inside door panels on cars! Unbelievable! It’s now all 3/8’ bolts and nuts.

I will be replacing the plastic shelves with wood shortly, tomorrow being Fathers Day I’m going to do some ribs on the mini and try my new mini cart out.

Happy Fathers Day to all

HaHA, that was good

That cart came out great. I have seen those charbroil grills a lot on Cl and thought about doing something similar with my 18.5.

Nice work
Dang Rich....I was ready to jump in my truck and drive down there to shake some sense into you, or at least retrieve your E320. Nicely done, I'm 6'4" and the lady of the house is 6'0", so I feel your pain.
im sitting here thinking "seriously?" And then there's the mini on the frame of the charbroil POS.
That's a pretty great idea and you made it look nice too.
Thanks for the kind words on the cart, I think it will work out great for Barb and I. Although I didn't build it as nice as the other cart, it's functional.

I was standing in the garage looking at the char broil and thinking how could I post this POS as a restore and have a little fun with the Weber faithful. After working on that CB I can say I know why maybe and I mean maybe a two year life span if used regularly is all you're going to get. Yes it's that bad!

Again Happy Fathers Day!
In rural Illinois there is an anti Weber backlash similar to the anti Apple backlash among the 20 somethings.
The love their Charbroils. Thats OK, my next cart will be here that much sooner. Nice job Rich!

Actually, before I was retired, there was a girl in the office who went through 3 Charbroils in under 10 years.
Not exactly built Ford Tough.
I never noticed a Weber "backlash". It could be that jobs are scarce (well at least jobs that pay a living wage) and people feel that cheapies of Walmart are better buys
Ok, add me to the list. You got me too, Rich. I was thinking as I read, " what the h*#% is he thinking???" I love the creativity. Think I'm going to copy and build me a cart. It would definitely come in handy.
and I thought you were going to put a 22.5 kettle or even a 26 incher in there. The remark "look at the quality" said "kidding" all over it.
im sitting here thinking "seriously?" And then there's the mini on the frame of the charbroil POS.
That's a pretty great idea and you made it look nice too.

Ditto what Frank said.....

I was reading and thinking my friend is going crazy and we need to see him...

