Found something I've never tried



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
So had to pick up a bunch of scripts at Costco this afternoon. Perused the meat aisle. Saw something "new" to me. Whole sirloin cap. I'm assuming this is what is called "pichana" by some?
Thinking I may hit it with smoke on one of the pellet grills (likely the Z) doing something like I did with that ribeye recently. Pulling out the grease deflector, running it on Super Smoke a while, then resting it while I pour the coals to the Z up to a high temp 450-490, and finishing it to a nice rare.
Oddly the thing looks like a mini tri-tip.
So had to pick up a bunch of scripts at Costco this afternoon. Perused the meat aisle. Saw something "new" to me. Whole sirloin cap. I'm assuming this is what is called "pichana" by some?
Thinking I may hit it with smoke on one of the pellet grills (likely the Z) doing something like I did with that ribeye recently. Pulling out the grease deflector, running it on Super Smoke a while, then resting it while I pour the coals to the Z up to a high temp 450-490, and finishing it to a nice rare.
Oddly the thing looks like a mini tri-tip.
Looking forward to seeing this done.
I want to try it ASAP. Because if it's really good, I want to go back to Costco and grab a bunch for the freezer. They're already vacuum packed and sealed and labeled. I don't have to do anything but stash them.
Am I on a good track cooking as described the way I did that ribeye the other day?
I want to try it ASAP. Because if it's really good, I want to go back to Costco and grab a bunch for the freezer. They're already vacuum packed and sealed and labeled. I don't have to do anything but stash them.
Am I on a good track cooking as described the way I did that ribeye the other day?
You definitely want them, Larry. My most recent picanha was done via rotisserie.

The one I brought home and all the ones in their meat case seem to have the cap trimmed very tightly to the meat. I'd prefer a better cap but, seems many meat cutters don't want to leave that on.
Original plan was I was planning on ribs sometime this weekend but I may move the plan up and do that roast this evening for us. Unless all the kids come over. Then I may make a change on the fly
So had to pick up a bunch of scripts at Costco this afternoon. Perused the meat aisle. Saw something "new" to me. Whole sirloin cap. I'm assuming this is what is called "pichana" by some?
Thinking I may hit it with smoke on one of the pellet grills (likely the Z) doing something like I did with that ribeye recently. Pulling out the grease deflector, running it on Super Smoke a while, then resting it while I pour the coals to the Z up to a high temp 450-490, and finishing it to a nice rare.
Oddly the thing looks like a mini tri-tip.

I did a picanha not too long ago, and you're method will work fine. I haven't done one whole yet, but I've done one on skewers as Tim showed above (more traditional), and one I cut into narrow steaks; both with a simple seasoning of just kosher salt and grilled over direct heat, flipping often. I'll do it as steaks next time as I found that a better method for me. I think you'll enjoy the flavor.
I want to try it ASAP. Because if it's really good, I want to go back to Costco and grab a bunch for the freezer. They're already vacuum packed and sealed and labeled. I don't have to do anything but stash them.
Am I on a good track cooking as described the way I did that ribeye the other day?
There were a number of pichana cooks last summer I recall. I steak them out and cook direct and get the fat cap to flare up.

I would grab a few and freeze them
I checked my folders and discovered that it's been almost 4 years since my last picanha cook! The Festival Foods in Janesville had them in the meat case for awhile and then they just sort of disappeared; I wonder if a lot of shoppers passed them by because of unfamiliarity.

Here's some more inspiration for you, Larry:;)



Nice. Yep that looks just like what I bought. I think I am gonna cook it this afternoon, regardless. So at the very least I can get back to Costco Monday and get a number of them. Because they're only $8 lb

