For the Dog Lover's - A Dog's Purpose


Angie H.

I don't usually look forward to many movies that come out these days but I sure am looking forward to seeing this one.

Warning: Invisible ninjas cutting onions may suddenly be close by while watching this.

Thanks for posting this Angie.
I'm sure the cut onions won't be any worse for us than when we left the theater after watching Marley and Me, and I had already read the book!
Thanks for posting this Angie.
I'm sure the cut onions won't be any worse for us than when we left the theater after watching Marley and Me, and I had already read the book!

Thanks for watching Bob, I'd forgotten about Marley and Me. I read the book as well, that didn't stop me from bawling my eyes out for the last 45 minutes of that movie. It was a heart string tugger, which I have a feeling A Dog's Purpose is certainly going to be.
Oh Yeah, I will be going to see this one and I haven't been to a movie for over 10 years or more. My signature line tells my story. Thanks Angie.
Dogs....some of my greatest joys and most certainly my greatest sorrow. Gideon (the big done in this early 1980's photos) my first purebred non-hunting dog. He was a Belgian Tervuren. A truly amazing dog except that he hated fireworks. New Years 1989 he jump through our upstairs window when a unusually loud firework went off over our house. He impaled himself on a sprinkler. I never got over him...still brings tears to my eyes remembering that night

No that feeling well, lost both our Golden Retrievers the Mom and her Daughter within the last 18 months. Really hurts.
Dogs....some of my greatest joys and most certainly my greatest sorrow. Gideon (the big done in this early 1980's photos) my first purebred non-hunting dog. He was a Belgian Tervuren. A truly amazing dog except that he hated fireworks. New Years 1989 he jump through our upstairs window when a unusually loud firework went off over our house. He impaled himself on a sprinkler. I never got over him...still brings tears to my eyes remembering that night


Oh gosh Chuck, what a horrible experience for you. He's a gorgeous dog, these animals really stay in one's heart forever.

