Jim Lampe
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
and if Bob Correll is flattered, Mike, imagine how I feel....!I'm flattered Mike, but sometimes I get the pig, sometimes the pig gets me!
Either device would be fine, but like Dave, I'd probably go with the kettle.
The snake method on a kettle helps keep the temps under control.
I assume you're wanting to have pulled pork, and not just a big pork steak?

Bob's correct, either will work great, however, I would do it on the WSM. And I would serve it as a pork steak.
In fact, my intentions for this Monday Memorial Day cook is exactly that.
I have 1.5 inch thick pork steaks and the plan is to "grill" them on the 18" WSM for hours, then direct with sauce to finish.
Mike, at 250ºF with no waterpan in place, using the snake method sounds like the way to go.
butt.... that's just me.