Flippin' The Bird


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
...on the rotisserie using the WSM, that is.....
Marinated for a very short time (2 hours) in Wickers,
then stuffed in sun-dried tomato gaaaaalic under the skin all over....
and if THAT ain't enough, seasoned with UNCLE BOB'S


Set-up the 22"WSM with the Cajun Bandit Rotisserie Ring
.....using apple & hickory wood for flavour
..........and a mix of lump & Kingsford for heat


gott'er up to 400ºF pretty daggum easy...




this dude took under an hour in all that heat to hit the magic eetin' temp....


so we took it off just to look at it a while....


well, that was boring, so we whipped up some cast iron skillet tiny taters & gus was in on it too...


this was (in memory) the best bird i've cooked.
unfortunately, the sun-dried tomato gaaaalic over-powered the chili margarita rub...
not a bad thing cuz i use the same rub BY ITSELF on some chops later this week.
Maddie can not WAIT!


Thanks for stoppin' by tonight, i hope your new week is better than last week!
And let's pray for some warmth!
For pete's sake!!
If the flavor matched the color that bird had to have fine flavor, maybe enough to convince
a vegetarian to take a bite.
Jim, thats an excellent looking bird. I am going to have to break down and buy the cajun bandit set up for the kettle.(my WSM is an 18.5")
There must be something in the air that makes a man want to twirl a chicken. We haven't finished ours yet, and I all ready want to make another. Beautiful bird, Jim. BTW, where you get those fancy-dancy rubber bands?

