Fish Fattie


Karl Repsher

This might interest you, a fattie using ground parrot fish smoked on my WSM.

It all starts out with this guy.


Then the fish is ground just like hamburger.

My bride mixing in some diced shallots and bells.

Into the Zip-Loc and then refrigerate to hold shape..

After the bacon weave the fish was too warm, placed it in the freezer to firm up.

We were side tracked and left it in the freezer too long and it was semi frozen, turned out to be a good thing or the fish would of been cooked before the bacon was done, ...we liked how it turned out.

Served with beef broccoli and kai fan.

Turned out really good, only problem was we made Chinese in case it was a flop, next time I'll serve it with just some fries.

Thanks for looking,

First fish fattie I've seen OR even heard of. Also had no idea that parrot fish were edible.

Everything on the plate looks delicious. Nice work.
WOW you see everything on this great site parrot fish next someone will be grilling a real parrot

