First Snow of the year


russ olin

Closed Account
We wanted to show you all the view that we saw this morning. First snow.

Sorry to say that we won't be seeing this view for much longer. We are moving in Nov. Hope to be moved by Thanksgiving.
It has been crazy busy for Deb & I the last few weeks. Felt like we were "buying Durango".
We found a home north east of Durango. Sitting in the tall pines. It's on 5.5 acres. Plenty of room.
Can't wait to get moved & settled. We have been here at our current home for over 23 years now.
It is going to be quite the change for us. On Dec 9th CDOT takes over our current home. And everyone will be happy.
Have a great day,
Russ & Deb
Beautiful Russ!
I remember awhile back you saying that the CDOT was forcing you and Deb to move for a road or intersection construction . You sounded pretty upset at the time and I sure can't blame you. Sounds like you found something you like so that's a good thing, but still moving isn't any fun, Barb and I know we've done it three times in three years and finally found our forever home.
Hope all goes well with your move.
Super view and pics Russ!
We've lived in our current house for 22 years so I can relate, and shutter at the thought of moving all of our accumulated "stuff"

Good luck with your move, and share some pictures of your new digs when you get a chance.
ps, my daughter and family are currently in RMNP and saw snow in the mountains up there yesterday.
here's a shot she just sent me, if it will show up:

Beautiful shots Russ. It's always fun to see the first snow! Enjoy your new place and it will be "home" before you know it.
Great pics, Russ. I'm sorry to hear you have to give up that view. I'm sure your new place will bring plenty of great memories though.
I am happy and disappointed about the snow.... I got a 10 pack of ski passes to Snowbird, and a lot of night skiing coming up, not to mention hopefully plenty of backcountry skiing (and snowshoeing with the dog)..... but I think I missed another year to hike Mount Timpanogos...... hopefully next year.

it was 40 degrees this morning, an extra blanket was pulled out last night. brrrrrr
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Beautiful country ! Wishing you well on your move and new home.
We're helping our son get ready for his move to Keystone in 2 weeks.
For him, it's all about the snow and new creations (terrain park builder/designer) ;)


