First smoke on the WSM

Hi all
Just got my WSM on Friday and got it fired up for my first smoke today. I used to have a crappy old New Braunfels that had zero air control and was pretty much a useless metal tube. HOLY FREAKING #$# the WSM is awesome!! I'm 4hs in to 2 racks of baby backs and I'm amazed. It's been sitting at 225deg now for 4hrs and I haven't touched it.

Did a homemade rub based off of the usual stuff but added a little ginger to see how it went. Pecan wood for smoke and wrapped with honey, tiger sauce and more rub.

Got about 2 more hours but damn I'm getting hungry.

Lomogram_2014-06-15_02-46-55-PM by sj.hippie, on Flickr
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Looks great but I think your pretty close, I doubt there's 2 hours to go. Start testing for tenderness with a toothpick
Just stick them in the meat until they go in effortlessly (you won't get like butter, but you should feel very soft)
Awesome !
I agree with Chuck, you're getting close.
Note the bone "pull back".
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Nice to hear they came out great! As you just found out lots of great folks with lots of experience here that are always willing to help.

