First Drive-In Theater



TVWBB Hall of Fame
JUNE 6, 1933

I am telling you this a few days early in order to give you time to get your POP CORN !!!!!!

Ah, the good ol' days. I'm quite sure a lot of you out there know what I mean :rolleyes: :giggle:
Tim, I watched a few minutes and stopped it. I want to wait and watch it with my DH. Never saw this one, but it is bringing back such great memories.
Tim, I watched a few minutes and stopped it. I want to wait and watch it with my DH. Never saw this one, but it is bringing back such great memories.
There are a few more on YouTube, that's just one I picked.
I'm sure my first was at the Geneva in S.F., probably late 50s. Dad would make a shopping bag full of popcorn and load the 5 of us in the back of the old '53 Plymouth station wagon. One movie I remember in that era was Bedtime for Bonzo with Ronald Reagan. Others were the Ma & Paw Kettle movies and lots of good cartoons too!

As teenagers, we'd draw lots to see who was going into the trunk. Sometimes 2 or 3 of us, depending on how broke we were :)
Cheap entertainment back in the good old days! In high school with the guys, we would bring lawn chairs & coolers & always try to park in the back row. In college, if I took a date, I would throw down a blanket across the windshield & hood of my 77 Monte Carlo while watching a marathon of Pink Panther movies.

Just a short drive from my home is 66 Drive-In theater which has been around since 1949 & still open every summer.
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Cheap entertainment back in the good old days! In high school with the guys, we would bring lawn chairs & coolers & always try to park in the back row. In college, if I took a date, I would through down a blanket across the windshield & hood of my 77 Monte Carlo while watching a marathon of Pink Panther movies.

Just a short drive from my home is 66 Drive-In theater which has been around since 1949 & still open every summer.
Oh how lucky you are!!!!
Probably my last drive-in movie was when Convoy premiered in Albuquerque. Everyone parked in the fringes and rolled out sleeping bags and blankets. It was like a huge nighttime picnic!
Mom and Dad would take my brother, sister and me to the drive in. We would go early and play in the playground they had at the bottom of the big screen. I think they did that so we would tire ourselves out and not watch the second (adult) movie. lol
Spent many a night at the local Hwy 39 passion pit. Me and my date in the front seat of my 58 ford and my buddy and his date in the trunk until the movie started and it was safe to get out.
Garden Grove ? Stanton ? Fountain Valley ?
I remember one that I think was on Beach, but don't remember the specifics
Ahh.... the Hi-Way 39 in Westminster !
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