First cook for the new guy


Frank C. in NY

TVWBB Member
This week I picked up my first smoker, a WSM 22.5. I posted about my experience buying it over in the "Introduction" forum, just in case you were interested in reading about it.

I decided to try something easy for my first cook. I picked the chicken recipe form the forum here.

I have been raving about this smoker and how bad I wanted it for weeks now. So when the time came to take it on it's maiden voyage my immediate family want to be a part of the experience. We always have Sunday meals together, usually Sunday sauce. This Sunday we decided on BBQ. It made me feel both good and nervous that my family wanted to support my new endeavor but nervous that I would blow it.

I picked up eight chicken haves from my local butcher. Turned out to be about thirteen pounds of chicken which turned out to bean average of 1.62 pounds per half. (keep this stat in mind for later when I get to my questions)

I marinated them for the day, about eight hours in a local sauce. I would say it is considered a vinegar based sauce, but not like Carolina sauce. It really is a favorite in our area. It's called Chiavettas Sauce. I always use it for all my chicken grilling needs.

I planned for food to be ready by 1800 for dinner. I thought the chicken would be ready in about 90 minutes give or take. My timing was off. We ended up eating at 1900. An hour is not a big deal. My dad likes to get in his jabs and complain his reservation was for 1800. I offered up fried crab cakes for a quick appetizer and it calmed him right down.

Timing was good in the beginning. I got everything on the grates and working at the time I figured I would. It was very hard not to peak in the hood to see how things looked, but I kept everyone's hands out of the cooker. I left the vents at %100 wide open and used four small chunks of cherry for the smoke.

After the first 60 minutes I took a look and figured they needed more time. I closed the vents back to %50 on the bottom like the recipe says here. Now, this is where things get kinda hairy. That first hour, the heat didn't get nearly as hot in there as I thought it would. It never got above 240* on the Mav 733 at the grate. At the 90 minute mark the smoker temp was down to 200* or so. I gave the grate a shake, got rid of the ash thinking that things would warm up. It really didn't. The chicken at the time was right around 150*. This is where I got nervous. I almost broke down and took the chicken off for the remaining time to be completed on the gasser. But I didn't. I kept reassuring my father, who I love dearly no matter how much he harasses me, that dinner will be ready when it's ready. No uncooked food will be served!

So, at the 105 minute mark I added about 12 - 15 more coals to the fire. At the 120 minute mark the smoker was back up to 250* and the chicken temp was around 165. I was happy now. I took the middle section out and moved forward with crisping them on the grate over the coals. This worked perfectly, no issues. But when I moving them around I noticed that some of the chickens didn't have that leg-pull-from-the-thigh thing going on. Once again, nerves got heightened. I didn't want to serve uncooked food. I put the 22.5 back together, rotated the chickens on both grates but this time I left the foiled water pan out. The temps went up to about 280* now on the Mav. Twenty minutes later we had 170* on all chickens and I was happy again. I pulled everything off and we sat down for dinner.

I asked everyone to give me there honest reviews, good and bad. I told them which wood I used so they can compare next time we they try the BBQ. I asked if they tasted the smoke, if it was to much or to little. I asked if the food was dry and what they would change for next time.

Every one loved it. They are my family and I knew they wouldn't hammer me, but they all said it was the moistest, juiciest chicken on the grill (I corrected them to smoker) they had ever had. Everyone smelled the smoke on the food, some said they could taste it, some said they could not. But no one said it was too much smoke. One commented that it was by far the juiciest but it was bland compared to grilling with the Chiavetts. They gave me nines and tens over all. I gave myself a seven, a low seven. So, now my questions.

Did the over all cook time increase because the chickens were so big? Are those size chicken haves considered big?

I think I needed more fuel. It was never as hot as what I expected. I expected in the low 300's for grate/dome temp. Was that over shooting?

The bland thing bugged me. Next time I think I'll let them marinate longer and completely submerge them in the sauce. It was kinda just on them, as you can see in the pic. (the blurry pic)

Sorry for the basic pictures of lighting etc. I'm posting them now in the beginning, if you see anything I did wrong please let me know!

We had mac and cheese with corn and Sam Adams Cherry Wheat beer bread to go with it. Dessert was "Sex in a pan" while we watched the monthly WWE PPV. over all a great night as usual with the family.











Kinda a smoke ring? lol
Totally agree with John !!!

In answer to some of your questions... Your 3rd picture shows a couple of items that may have been the culprits, temperature wise.
What is that shiny thing directly below the charcoal grate ? Could it be the heat deflector that is meant to be install below the wsm rather than in the wsm ?
When doing long term cooks and also when doing shorter term, high temperature cooks, you need sufficient charcoal to support the 'fire' during the entire cook.
Starting with enough unlit charcoal will make ones life more enjoyable. It's normal to completely fill the charcoal ring (to the top of the ring), remove what you need in the chimney.
Once your chimney is lit, pour back on top of the unlit. The number of lit coals helps determine the starting temperature range of your cook. Less for lower temps and more for higher temps.
Totally agree with John !!!

In answer to some of your questions... Your 3rd picture shows a couple of items that may have been the culprits, temperature wise.
What is that shiny thing directly below the charcoal grate ? Could it be the heat deflector that is meant to be install below the wsm rather than in the wsm ?
When doing long term cooks and also when doing shorter term, high temperature cooks, you need sufficient charcoal to support the 'fire' during the entire cook.
Starting with enough unlit charcoal will make ones life more enjoyable. It's normal to completely fill the charcoal ring (to the top of the ring), remove what you need in the chimney.
Once your chimney is lit, pour back on top of the unlit. The number of lit coals helps determine the starting temperature range of your cook. Less for lower temps and more for higher temps.

Well, I'll be! I think you are correct! I bought a floor model at Ace because it was the only one left. When I get home from work I'll have to fix that! Thanks a ton!!

I guess until I really have my temps and get more experience with the fuel methods I should really over shoot it. Thanks again for the advice.
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Hi Frank,

Your first cook ended up great ! That's all that really matters. It just those little things you'll discover that will make your cooks more enjoyable in that journey.
I wonder if that bland issue just might be you using a lower salt content sauce that in essence leached out the salts from the chicken.
A normal 'brine' will contain some salt.
I wonder if that bland issue just might be you using a lower salt content sauce that in essence leached out the salts from the chicken.
A normal 'brine' will contain some salt.

Good point. I read about brining and didn't want to brine and add this sauce, I was worried it would be too much. The sauce is great when used as straight grilling. We baste with it several times during the grilling process. That probably makes a difference too.
One commented that it was by far the juiciest but it was bland compared to grilling with the Chiavetts.
I would guess that you might have lost some flavoring (thus the bland) with the heat shield inside the cooker. It is galvanized (zinc coated) and heated galvanized metal will have a flavoring of it's own.

Nice first cook, congrats on the new smoker
I have the same Cooking T problem you told us.
I cooked and just posted my thread about 2 beer can chickens using 22.5 WSM instead of my 26 OTG. I throw down 2 full big chimneys of briqs and my cooking T was round 220/230 F. Not enough for chicken. I did not put the waterpan.
I suppose next time I'll do again with WSM but will start with 3 fully big chimneys + 1 in the last 20 min to get crispy skin.
Chicken looks great!!!

What's next???

Maybe a porkbutt?

Today I have a pork tenderloin I was going to try. I usually grill it, but I thought I would use the WSM (the right way) instead. After that I think I am going to do ribs or brine a turkey breast.
Also, I went home in the morning, called the wife unit out to the garage and told her about the pan. She gave me the :rolleyes: look. Fixed it up the proper way and can't wait for cook number two!
That chicken looks tasty to me.....cant wait to see what other things you have planned for your new toy.
Well you found out exactly what this site is for!! We have some sharp folks on here to pick out your first "whoops"...but that's what it's all is a trial and error did great despite..looking toward your next cook!!

Nice work!!

