Bob Bailey
For anyone who's never made fermented hot sauce, it's ridiculously simple and tastes great.
All you need are hot peppers, filtered (Chlorine free) water, Kosher or canning salt and vinegar. You can add seasoning to the finished product if desired. For equipment: a Mason jar (about twice the size of your batch), a fermentation weight or zip lock sandwich bag and a blender or food processor.
Entering "fermented hot sauce recipe" into your favorite search engine will net a load of recipes using most any variety or combination of peppers you can think of. I'm partial to Jalapeños, and make both green and red with home grown peppers.
For my first batch I bought $1.25 worth of Jalapeños at Walmart and ended up with 4, 7 oz. hot sauce bottles full. YMMV, but it's great to make yourself and save money too. If you're anything like me, you won't stop with hot sauce. I went on to fermenting Kimchi and will be doing fermented dill pickles as soon as I get a few more ripe cukes on my vines. Kraut will soon be on my list too.
All you need are hot peppers, filtered (Chlorine free) water, Kosher or canning salt and vinegar. You can add seasoning to the finished product if desired. For equipment: a Mason jar (about twice the size of your batch), a fermentation weight or zip lock sandwich bag and a blender or food processor.
Entering "fermented hot sauce recipe" into your favorite search engine will net a load of recipes using most any variety or combination of peppers you can think of. I'm partial to Jalapeños, and make both green and red with home grown peppers.
For my first batch I bought $1.25 worth of Jalapeños at Walmart and ended up with 4, 7 oz. hot sauce bottles full. YMMV, but it's great to make yourself and save money too. If you're anything like me, you won't stop with hot sauce. I went on to fermenting Kimchi and will be doing fermented dill pickles as soon as I get a few more ripe cukes on my vines. Kraut will soon be on my list too.