Fathers Day


russ olin

Closed Account
Happy Fathers Day to all you dads out there.

We decided to have a overnight cook, fixing brisket & pulled pork.
Brisket was coated with mustard then seasoned with Tatonka Dust & Penzy's Chicago steak.

Pulled pork was coated with mustard too, then seasoned with McCormiks Molasses Bacon & Smokehouse Maple.

Then spent the afternoon in the fridge chillin'.
Brisket in first into old leaky,

then the pork roast for a overnight stay,

Took the meat out @ 195*, foiled & into the oven for a few hrs.

Sliced the brisket, it had a great bark & flavor. My dad thought it was great. No pics of the pork. Or plated pic either.

Had a great day with my Dad & a old friend.

Hope that you all had a great day, and a great week too.
Thanks for looking!
Beautiful cooks! That before picture on the brisket with the rub would be scary if I didn't know better! The after shot, well... I'd devour that!
Happy Father's Day! Your cook looks great. You went all out! I did a good old simple burgers and fries with the kids and grandkids.

