emergency horseradish sauce could be my new standard


John K BBQ

TVWBB Wizard
I had some good friends over last night for a tri-tip dinner. The meal was fairly well planned out, but at the moment of truth, with a basic salt & pepper tri-tip, we had forgotten a sauce! Often times I serve some chimichurri, or a santa-maria style tomato chunky sauce from Weber's grilling recipe book, but just before serving we didn't have time to make either. My best buddy said hey, lets whip up some horseradish sauce. But then, we were out of sour cream (bummer). We used some cream cheese instead. I put about a 1/4 cup in the microwave for a few seconds, then put in about a 1/4 cup of horseradish. I've got to say this turned out really nice, and was so easy I'll probably do it again.

Any other horseradish fans out there?
YES John, good idea!!!!! Thank you for telling us about it. Isn't it great to be able to share ideas? I love doing that also.
I love hot food but I’m not a fan of horseradish. Is there any hope for me? I’ve forced myself to eat it on multiple occasions but it hasn’t grown on me.
An old friend of mine used to, he said he had planted a bit in his back yard and it just went crazy! He used to tell me that he’d go out to his picnic table and grind away with tears rolling down his face ! That was the best horseradish I’ve ever had, in my entire life to date! I really miss that man. He made beautiful fruit boats for my wedding banquet, birds of paradise using the crowns of pineapples for the tail and bananas for heads! It was one great party! I got the best part of the deal, my wife!
For me, horseradish heat differs from capsicum heat in that it hits my nose and sinuses a lot harder. A spoonful is one of my favorite ways to relieve nasal congestion. ;)

My Grandfather always said if you got a stuffy nose, open a bottle of Horseradish and take a deep breath.
That stuff will clear you out..
I love hot food but I’m not a fan of horseradish. Is there any hope for me? I’ve forced myself to eat it on multiple occasions but it hasn’t grown on me.

I used to love it straight up when I was younger. Now I like the creamier versions like Woeber's.
My dad was a big horseradish fan, and I like it to. Getting a nice jolt of horseradish is an eye opener! I have tried grating a store-bought horseradish root but found the results were not as good as buying a jar of horseradish or even horseradish sauce. I think a properly prepared horseradish needs to have a minimal time from harvest to the jar where it's flavor gets enhanced with some vinegar, water, and salt. Maybe someday when I have more time I'll see about jarring my own.
Yea, my neighbor down the street used to grow his own and grate it. He gave me a few bottles over the years and at first taste it was potent, but mellowed out after a week or so. Store bought usually holds it kick longer.

