Dutch Oven Jambalaya and Wife's Apricot Souffle for dessert


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Decided to do this Dutch Oven Jambalaya for my wife as it is one of her favorites. In turn, she made a delicious Apricot Souffle for our dessert. I didn't do any sides as it is a meal in itself. I started off making a sauce from the chicken broth, V8 and tobacco. Did not take a picture of this. Here are some pictures of the rest of the cook.

Here are some of the many ingredients called for in this recipe.

This is the linguica and ham I used. I was going to do a little extra smoke on the ham, but ran out of time. It was very good as is.

All of the prep work done. In addition to the previously mentioned stuff, I've got some yellow onion, red bell pepper, celery, flat leaf parsley, garlic, white rice and the ham and linguica diced. Also, one pound of medium shrimp.

Getting the RBP and Onion and Celery tender in my large CI Skillet, about 5 minutes.

Added the linguica, garlic and a bay leaf. Let cook for about 3 minutes.

Added the rice, ham and broth mixture I mentioned earlier. Covered and let simmer on indirect for 18 minutes. Added about 8 oz. of water at this point and then put in the shrimp. Let cook for an additional 3 minutes.

All done and ready to pull from grill.

Resting in kitchen for about 5 minutes.

Plated. Looks lonely but it was plenty of food.

Here is the star of the evening, my wife's apricot soufflé. It was delicious.

This is a very delicious recipe. It's another Weber Recipe and it is in their Live Fire book that I picked up a few years ago. It has a lot of complex flavors and is a fun cook to do. Thanks for watching.
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I can't taste it, but if it's as good as it looks, that's some good cooking, right there! I love jambalaya and ANYTHING apricot! Inspiring post! Thanks!
That my friend is a meal I am sorry missed, one of my all time favorite things. And the desert, well just puts it over the top. Well done
I'm impressed, that looked very good. And complements to the wife, superb combo. I would probably have eaten all off them
Hey guys, I'm new to this site. I'm Martin from Chicago, as you can probably tell by my username. I've been grilling/smoking for over 8 years, and also have been a member of smokingmeatforums.com for a few years.

Anyway, this Jambalaya looks fantastic Cliff! I also own a Performer, and have cooked many meals in my DO on the Weber, and always have wanted to try Jambalaya. Yours really looks great, and I would love to try your recipe as my first Jambalaya trial, with your blessing lol. My only question, is can you just confirm the times you listed? Just seems a little short to thicken up like that, but please excuse me if I'm wrong. I would just want to ensure I have something beautiful on my plate as you cooked up there!


Wow that looks really good!!! Like others I would like to try your recipe too, could you post your recipe in more detail please!!!
Hey guys, I'm new to this site. I'm Martin from Chicago, as you can probably tell by my username. I've been grilling/smoking for over 8 years, and also have been a member of smokingmeatforums.com for a few years.

Anyway, this Jambalaya looks fantastic Cliff! I also own a Performer, and have cooked many meals in my DO on the Weber, and always have wanted to try Jambalaya. Yours really looks great, and I would love to try your recipe as my first Jambalaya trial, with your blessing lol. My only question, is can you just confirm the times you listed? Just seems a little short to thicken up like that, but please excuse me if I'm wrong. I would just want to ensure I have something beautiful on my plate as you cooked up there!


Wow Martin, I'm honored. Your first post! Yes, the times are all correct. This is actually the second time I've done this and I had the same concern as you both times I did it. As mentioned above, I had to actually add a little warm water in the end as it was getting too thick. I didn't mention it in the post, but I did a split zone fire in my 26" Weber Kettle. I had a lot of surface area to work with and you can control how it's doing by sliding the skillet on or off the heat side depending on how much time you have left to go. I had it as far away from the heat as I could by the end of the cook and it thickened up just fine. Hope that helps. Look forward to seeing more of your posts.
Wow Martin, I'm honored. Your first post! Yes, the times are all correct. This is actually the second time I've done this and I had the same concern as you both times I did it. As mentioned above, I had to actually add a little warm water in the end as it was getting too thick. I didn't mention it in the post, but I did a split zone fire in my 26" Weber Kettle. I had a lot of surface area to work with and you can control how it's doing by sliding the skillet on or off the heat side depending on how much time you have left to go. I had it as far away from the heat as I could by the end of the cook and it thickened up just fine. Hope that helps. Look forward to seeing more of your posts.

Very cool Cliff! Thank you kindly for the confirmation, I'll definitely be doing one and taking some pics and posting Q-view. I shall call the endeavor "Jambalaya ala Cliff" lol.

Thanks again.

Looks Great Cliff! I Love Jambalaya, yet haven't made it in quite some time....

about time to correct that!

