Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
a few photos taken over the last two weeks







Thank you all for stoppin' by!
I duno what's more amazing, your cooks or your place. Every time you snap a photo of the yard I say WOW. Well maybe not the January ones, lol

Excellent cook, that 4th photo in the first post, yummy
That is some awesome cooking Jim and love the last pic now but like Chuck said not in Jan.
Great cooks as always Jim. Something about the long shadows and cool air of fall in the Midwest bring back some wonderful memories of simpler times growing up in Illinois, thanks for sharing.
Some great looking eats and pictures of the view Jim. The picture of the chicken could be the cover to a grilling cookbook.
Thank you everyone! :)

Nick, Shiner brews an EXCELLENT Oktoberfest... wish I remembered where I got it from, been to three stores since without luck.
one more joint to check out...
Yeah, SMOOTH... and VERY Yummy!!
Jim I was just at Albertsons and they had Shiner Oktoberfest. Your food looks great as usual. I'm a sucker for chicken wings and the ones in the pic look delicious. But all of the rest does too.
Looks awesome as usual Jim! Fall's a coming! Headed up your way this week, looking forward to some cool weather! Shiner is good!
I don't know that I could choose just one if I had to. But if you forced me, I'd probably go for the chops and rice. And I'd have the wings for an appetizer and the brats for dessert. :D
25 beautiful wings;), several tasty-looking brats / dogs, fabulous chops, good beer and an amazing sunset. Everything perfect! What more could you want ? Enjoy my friend.

