Do You Get The PENZEY SPICE Catalog?


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I do.
And I noticed it has NEW IMPROVED CATALOG! under the Penzey name...
so, i paged thru it, not really looking for detailed improvements, but i realized something...
simply paging thru it, i did not notice ANY improvements....
Sooo.... i turned BACK to the cover to re-read it....


...and i saw this ▼



really? c'mon. More commercialized BS. And it's hitting closer to home.
Haven't received that one yet. I have to say I love their spices, but they really have some weird thoughts. Only been to the store in Phoenix once and the gal running it was in a completely different zip code than the rest of us. That's why we do mail order only now.
They quit sending them to me, don't know why, guess since I wasn't ordering online.
I'm okay with that since I really didn't like seeing political views hinted at in a spice catalog.
Just as I don't like seeing religion associated with products by some companies.
In my opinion, if you have something to sell, then be neutral and don't say anything other than about your product.
Another reason I like TVWBB, both P&R discussions are forbidden. :)
all fine & good Bob, but i posted the dang thing because HOW CAN YOU BE NEW & IMPROVED BY USING BETTER WORDS????
not because of penzey's political views or religious beliefs or why the dam Earth is flat or Why Fred Flintstone throws a better dam bowling ball than me!!!
But because you CANNOT improve ANYTHING by using BETTER WORDS!!!

An attempt at sarcastic humor, perhaps? They can't be serious about 'better words'.
X2 what Jim K said. I believe it is more an attempt at humor than anything else. But hey, I still have trouble clapping out words with more then 3 syllables so what do I know!

