1st amendment prohibits the
government from infringing on your freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, right to petition the government, or restricting the press. It says nothing about barbecue forums. The rules that you say should be hung from a sign on this forum are listed in the Terms of Service that you failed to read when you joined the forum. I would suggest you
take a look at them. I reserve the right to edit or delete posts for any reason or no reason whatsoever. Discussion of anything political or even smelling like politics, religious discussion, sexual discussion, or other controversial subjects (in my opinion) are subject to editing or deleting, but I try to do so wisely and minimally. I'm not always perfect at it, but I do the best I can and, on balance, having kept this place going for 21 years I think I've done a pretty good job overall.
I want to address Lynn's earlier question. Of course mentioning the high price of meat is fine. I paid $6.99/lb for pork belly the other day, it was $2.79/lb just a couple of years ago. Wow! But when posts start breaking it down into influences like government regulation, trade policy, poor leadership, finger pointing about who's to blame, how the country is really going to pot...that's stuff that just gets people riled up and results in even more such commentary, and that's the stuff I want to avoid and will edit out when I see it or when members bring it to my attention.
There's enough controversy for us to deal with about GrillGrates vs regular grates, briquets vs lump, water in the pan vs an empty pan...we don't need all of this other stuff that is not related to the mission of this forum.