December Ribs on the Mini


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Had to clear out some space in my freezer to find room for our 20# Christmas turkey. Found a couple of large Saint Louis style racks and seeing the weather was going to be nice for the next couple of days decide to see if I could cook two large racks on the mini.

In preparation I made up a batch of Big Al’s K.C. Bar-B-Q Sauce the day before, love that stuff.
Decided to do some stove top BBQ beans and the wife is making her great coleslaw for sides. Normally I would make the beans in the CI on the performer with a little hickory smoke for added flavor but the CI is being used for another dish and Santa hasn’t arrived yet with my new one which will be dedicated to grilling or my new Maverick, so stove top it is, oh well.

These were really large meaty ribs, they never pulled back from the bone but passed the tear test and were very tender and moist.

The mini did good!:)

If you are looking for a rack for your 14.5 or mini I posted information in the WSM section about the one in this post

Here are some pictures of the cook

Ribs seasoned with my homemade seasoning and ready to go.

Ribs in the mini

Ready for foil

50/50 Aj & ACV, butter & brown sugar

Back for the finish with Big Al's KC BBQ sauce, did I mention I love this stuff

Time to eat

Thanks for taking the time to look.
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Great job, cuz! Reminds me of that holiday poem: Twas the Ribs before Christmas...

Not familiar with that one, but I do remember

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the garage

Not a creature was stirring not even the Dodge

The tires were hung with the best of care

Hoping Saint Nicolas would fill them with air

And so on and so on
Thanks guys for the nice comments. I was a little concerned about that much of a load on the mini, but I parked it at 275 and it held there through the whole cook. I had a full chimney of KB coals and used the minion start and at the end still had about 1/2 unburned coals. Pretty amazing what the mini and I'm sure the 14.5 can do.
Great job, Rich!

I have done eight half-racks of ribs on a mini. It is a LOT of meat for that little feller but it doesn't seem to slow it down at all. It just flat does a FINE job!!

I bought two sets of those Brinkman rib racks when I built my mini. Frankly, IMHO, you cannot buy better for the job!


