Curb Alert !!!

Both the burgundy and blue look awesome. I especially like the full SS shelves and how the SS continues under the side burner. For $100-200, I’d pick up either of those cool grills if they were nearby.
I think that Weber had finished the design of these grills when marketing made them change the box pattern slightly so everything went out with 5 bars in 2000
So I was hoping to secure this burgundy 1000LX. I offered to send the guy 100% payment to hold it for me for a month until I return to Arizona but sadly he said no. Cash only and he wants it gone. @BobH-SCW was far too kind and generous in offering to drive his nice Lexus SUV farther than I could ask him to drive and try to fit it in his SUV to pick it up for me. There's no way I could let him do this for me. It's way too much to ask and way too big a favor to accept. What a good man and amazing friend for offering though! Hopefully it's still there when I return and I can purchase and pick up. If not there will be more for sure.
So I was hoping to secure this burgundy 1000LX. I offered to send the guy 100% payment to hold it for me for a month until I return to Arizona but sadly he said no. Cash only and he wants it gone. @BobH-SCW was far too kind and generous in offering to drive his nice Lexus SUV farther than I could ask him to drive and try to fit it in his SUV to pick it up for me. There's no way I could let him do this for me. It's way too much to ask and way too big a favor to accept. What a good man and amazing friend for offering though! Hopefully it's still there when I return and I can purchase and pick up. If not there will be more for sure.
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You find that same grill in a Platinum series and you will be all the happier with it.
You find that same grill in a Platinum series and you will be all the happier with it.
Well this one would be fully restored and I would gift it to my firefighter neighbors. The color would be perfect for them and being in excellent original condition it would be an easy project. There is a nice platinum also available but The condition doesn't look as good. It would need a lot more but as long as the lid was in good condition I have every other part for a 1000 that could be needed.
Well this one would be fully restored and I would gift it to my firefighter neighbors. The color would be perfect for them and being in excellent original condition it would be an easy project. There is a nice platinum also available but The condition doesn't look as good. It would need a lot more but as long as the lid was in good condition I have every other part for a 1000 that could be needed.
Yeah, I forgot you were going to give it to a neighbor. You'll find something decent for them, even if it's not that grill.

