Curb Alert !!!

I get it. I've gotten pretty bad to the point that I only get excited by the prospect of finding a nice Platinum series 1200 grill. Once I have that grill I will pick up another Genesis 1000 for parts if necessary.
I have all of my favorite lids at this point except for a black Platinum lid. So no point in picking up another grill with a lid I already have or something I don't care for. I have several grills to restore and more than enough parts at this point. Honestly I don't even really need another but if I come across the right black platinum lid I definitely will pick it up. I think I can justify at least three keeper 1000s. My green lid, my gray lid with red stripes and a black platinum. All of them with different slats for different characteristics. And then my keeper Jr. I'll get another one or two of those if I can. I also have a really nice 2000 that I restored that I'm not sure if I will hang on to or not. Several more big frame projects also Genesis 2-2000+.

