Curb Alert !!!

That Genesis look like a good deal. The Summit? If the firebox is solid that could make a nice grill at least on the short term until it does rot out. Because that is not a measure of if but when
looks like a decent parts grill with durawood intact. Its probably LP even with the tank hanger missing since there is a frame scale decal on the leg.


@LMichaels, I definitely agree it has serious issues, but that all-stainless frame and cabinetry does make it tempting to try and resolve the firebox problem and wind up having a pretty bullet proof grill. I like the 1st generation better, but Larry wouldn't you agree that IF - A BIG IF at that - the firebox issue was fixed, that one of these nicer ones with the rear infrared does have at least some nice aspects?
Oh, I agree guys. If only Weber had put a good solid aluminum cook box in those. They would have been a true Premium grill.

But, I look at the frame and all that SS cabinetry and the side shelves and I see uses for it all.
Oh, yeah. There are still a lot of "gotchas" with it though. Like the very expensive flavorizer bars due to weird placement of XOver tubes. But even with all the SS I honestly would not be tempted.
Stainless Steel summit season:

Stainless Steel summit season:

View attachment 89354
It looks very dirty, but that comes off. You need to go get that, Bruce! :smilekettle: That one is the ultimate of the Platinum Summits with the smoker, sear burner and side burner:coolkettle:. Can't beat the price!
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