Cooking with foil dangerous?



For many years there have been studies that aluminum could have effects on the human body, especially linked to alzheimers. I came across the following article that concerns cooking food covered with foil, especially spiced food, and those with acidic foods, such as tomato's, and citrus. It seems to be a danger for BBQer's who foil our spiced foods and often with added citric juice added to the foil pack..........................d
"Myth 4: Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
Reality: During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum emerged as a possible suspect in Alzheimer’s. This suspicion led to concern about exposure to aluminum through everyday sources such as pots and pans, beverage cans, antacids and antiperspirants. Since then, studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing Alzheimer’s. Experts today focus on other areas of research, and few believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat."
Ignorance is bliss, and seriously, I don't like reading stuff like this article... now that I've gotten hooked on foiling everything but chicken. I haven't tried butcher paper yet, but wonder how it works.
I read today that they have found an ingredient in buttered popcorn that makes it look more appealing has been linked to Alzheimers. I think that they are very close but just missed the target.

It's not the popcorn at movie theaters that damages the brain but the movies that they show. Have been to 2 movies in the last 40 years.
Ignorance is bliss, and seriously, I don't like reading stuff like this article... now that I've gotten hooked on foiling everything but chicken. I haven't tried butcher paper yet, but wonder how it works.

I've cooked chicken in parchman paper in the oven before as it keeps it moist, added flavors etc., just like foil. I don't see why one cannot do that on the grill, perhaps even wrapped in foil after the parchman protects it from the foil effects...............
I think butcher paper would be better than parchment paper because parchment is waxed, IIRC.

I will keep using foil.
I think butcher paper would be better than parchment paper because parchment is waxed, IIRC.

I will keep using foil.

One don't cook with butcher paper, it is used to wrap food. Cooking food wrapped in foil is the danger, not wrapping cooked food.....even foil is ok. then..........
One don't cook with butcher paper, it is used to wrap food. Cooking food wrapped in foil is the danger, not wrapping cooked food.....even foil is ok. then..........

Yes, some folks at least claim they're wrapping and cooking in butcher paper.

I wouldn't have a problem at all giving up cooking in foil and going back to water in the pan for ribs, at least for spares, but the two biggest things foil does for me is it shortens butt cook times down a bunch and gives my briskets more consistency. I don't know that I'm ready to give that up because of one study, but it does give me some pause.
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The study makes no mention of manufacturer (s) or a specific process either and as we know too well there are locations in this world that do not take the precautions others have to because of employee safety, the environmental regulations and whatever. I would like to see a study in N/America however that's not to say the study does not have merit. We've known of the dangers of aluminum for years now.
For me this is not a problem. I protect myself from this by wearing an aluminium foil hat (tripple layer) during cooking. It protects me against the dangerous metals, as well as microwaves sent out from alien spaceships :P
For me this is not a problem. I protect myself from this by wearing an aluminium foil hat (tripple layer) during cooking. It protects me against the dangerous metals, as well as microwaves sent out from alien spaceships :P
I prefer to wear a Teflon pot on my head when cooking with foil. ;)

I know this foil thing may concern some folks, that's fine with me, but I'm 65, and used to play with mercury as a kid.
Held it in my hands, rubbed it in to coins to make them shiny, etc.
And isn't grilled meat supposed to cause cancer?
if ya'll are trying to spook me from my WSM and my Weber grills, haha, the joke's on you cause i'm gonna grill an' smoke an' 'que way past all you :p
I prefer to wear a Teflon pot on my head when cooking with foil. ;)

I know this foil thing may concern some folks, that's fine with me, but I'm 65, and used to play with mercury as a kid.
Held it in my hands, rubbed it in to coins to make them shiny, etc.
And isn't grilled meat supposed to cause cancer?

Your comment about playing with mercury when you were a kid brought back memories of when I would break a thermometer just to get the mercury out to play with. Brought many a dull looking dime back to brilliant uncirculated,,,,,for awhile. :)

Scotty W.
Your comment about playing with mercury when you were a kid brought back memories of when I would break a thermometer just to get the mercury out to play with. Brought many a dull looking dime back to brilliant uncirculated,,,,,for awhile. :)

Scotty W.

Yeah, not saying there aren't some bad things in the world (now THERE's an understatement), but there's an awful lot that is bad and super-hyped to super-bad level. It's amazing that any of us got to Medicare age! Oh -- wait. Didn't I read that the average life span is INCREASING?! Despite all the aluminum foil, charred meat and mercury?

I read another study a year or so back that said if you live a good, clean life following all the recommendations (don't drink, don't smoke, don't eat BBQ, don't foil, no fat, and on and on) that you can add up to 3 or 4 months to your lifetime. Hmm. Good to know. I don't smoke (any more). I think I do get points for THAT. But 3 or 4 months in an aged, muddle-minded, pain-wracked body doesn't seem like a great inducement for failing to enjoy the life we have when we have it.


