Co-Workers Get-Together


Anthony Hunter

My co-workers decided to have a get-together because some of the team members live out of town, and are only in Indy a few times a year. They asked me to do some BBQ, and I put together a couple of things. ;)

This was also the first cook on my new Char-Griller Outlaw w/SFB, and the maiden voyage was smooth sailing!

2 slabs of spares, one with S&P only, the other with my own homemade rub. I cut off the trimmings so I could have St. Louis Style cuts, but I never throw away the trimming; those become Rib Tips, which are at the heart of Indiana Barbecue. I also made 4 fatties, stuffed with various cheeses, and two of them were wrapped in bacon...

Everything is ready to go!

It's been 5 hours and the ribs are out of the foil and ready to finish the 3-2-1 process. I gave them another hit of apple juice to keep moistness alive!

This is some of the rib tips. No bones, just juicy, tender, nuggets of rib trimmings love!

This is a pepper-jack stuffed fattie with a very nice smoke ring!

Delicious and beautiful, just like I like them, spare ribs with my competition dry rub...

Juicy and full of flavor, my Texas Style S&P spare ribs...

All together, and ready to serve. Nothing left after the gathering... except what I snuck and put away for myself! :cool:

We had a great time, and my new Char-Griller Outlaw made me proud! :D
Dang Tony, I got the meat sweats just looking at all that!
Terrific cook!

Thanks! Lol! I have been working on the salt and pepper only approach for me ribs, and this time they came out fantastic. I just make sure they stay moist by spritzing with apple juice and man they come out great. :)
Thanks for the kind comments everyone. This is all you alls fault, making me hawngry all the time with your pictures... thanks for that too! :D

