Hi Everyone, New 18.5" WSM owner here and just want to say how great it is to have the wealth of knowledge on this forum for advice.
I've completed two smokes on my WSM and so far I love it. I'm amazed with how easy it was to maintain consistent temperature in the WSM. My first smoke was beef ribs and was on one of the coldest, windiest days of the year and I was still able to maintain 260 for 5 hours, they were good but could have stayed on an hour or two longer. I also used way too much salt in the rub.
For my second I did babybacks which turned out great but I probably overcooked them a little bit as the ends and smaller bits were pretty dry. I used the Memphis dust rub recipe from Amazingribs.com which I thought had way too much ginger power in it, I'll have to adjust next time I use the rub because I have a lot left.
Anyway to my question, How do you clean out the ash after a smoke without making a total mess? I'm having a very hard time dumping it into a bag without spilling ash all over the place due to the wide diameter of the WSM. Are there any tricks out there that I'm not thinking of for easy ash disposal?
I've completed two smokes on my WSM and so far I love it. I'm amazed with how easy it was to maintain consistent temperature in the WSM. My first smoke was beef ribs and was on one of the coldest, windiest days of the year and I was still able to maintain 260 for 5 hours, they were good but could have stayed on an hour or two longer. I also used way too much salt in the rub.
For my second I did babybacks which turned out great but I probably overcooked them a little bit as the ends and smaller bits were pretty dry. I used the Memphis dust rub recipe from Amazingribs.com which I thought had way too much ginger power in it, I'll have to adjust next time I use the rub because I have a lot left.
Anyway to my question, How do you clean out the ash after a smoke without making a total mess? I'm having a very hard time dumping it into a bag without spilling ash all over the place due to the wide diameter of the WSM. Are there any tricks out there that I'm not thinking of for easy ash disposal?