Chuck-Eye Steaks and Stuffed Mushrooms


Marty Owens

A couple of chuck eye steaks season with Tatonka Dust cold smoked for an hour with a oak/hickory/cherry blended pellets.


Stuffed mushroom ingredients - blue cheese crumbles, mushrooms, Tatonka Dust, left over brisket and Philadelphia cream cheese.


Stuffed mushrooms and potato's on the grill cooking indirect.


As the stuffed mushrooms and potato's were getting close to done, put the chuck eye steaks on another grill to sear.


While the chuck eye's were resting and the grill was cooling down from the sear toasted some garlic toast. Here is plated meal.


Chuck eye's just the way we like them!

Thanks for looking!
looks tasty - I see folks use it a lot , but I'm not sure what it is - Explain Tatonka Dust. Looks black pepper based?

Here is the description from the website - Tatonka Dust has an unique flavor - it is Worcestershire powder, soy sauce powder, and a charcoal seasoning base mixed with onion, garlics, peppers, salts and some other secret spices that blend together perfectly for that one of a kind flavor.

