Christmas gift -- a new pacemaker



TVWBB Wizard
I have been exhausted for the last 6 months or so. After many labs and tests, I am diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome with my heart rate averaging 40 bpm. I get it Monday morning. It is the leader type. Anyone done this and have advice on recovery
I have been exhausted for the last 6 months or so. After many labs and tests, I am diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome with my heart rate averaging 40 bpm. I get it Monday morning. It is the leader type. Anyone done this and have advice on recovery
J, I’m sorry to hear of your dilemma, I haven’t a clue about the style of pacemaker but, your medical team should have far more information than you will want to digest.
Will keep you in prayers!
SWMBO goes in the some extensive back surgery on Monday next. We are going to have a VERY quiet New Year’s Eve and NYD this year.
Here's hoping that all of your issues are addressed without excitement.

We have friends here in town, and he's just been handed a complete <BEEEP> sandwich. Without getting into details, he, and his wife, are gonna have a crummy Christmas. We're trying to decide how we can be good friends for them right now.
To say I am apprehensive is an understatement. Looks to be a 6-8 week recovery period until back to normal activities. At least it is winter.
No specific advice on pacemakers, but as encouragement I'll share with you that my father, 84 years old and in generally good health, had scheduled elective triple bypass open heart surgery earlier this year, and while it was like he'd been hit by a truck after the surgery, his positivity and willingness to follow the recovery plan and rehab got him up and around and back home in 3 weeks. So I would recommend a positive attitude, look forward to a positive outcome and better quality of life ahead, follow your post-surgical instructions carefully, and you'll be fine.

My dentist once gave me advice on dental health that I think applies to health in general: "Do the things you need to do, so you can do the things you want to do." I'm trying to get better at doing this in my life.

Wishing you a good outcome and quick, easy recovery, JSaus! (y)
Same here no advice but, my buddy's uncle 101 at the time had one installed. Came through fine. I think they have a lot of this stuff pretty well perfected.
Anyone done this and have advice on recovery
I don't even know anyone with a pacemaker (I think) but lots of friends have had bypass surgery, and to my amazement how quickly they recovered and how much better they were after doing so. I'm wishing your Doctor's much success and a speedy recovery for you. Prayers my friend.
I too don’t know anyone with a pace maker but I know a wad that have had heart and bypass surgery.
All that I know have went well.
I believe that these are for the most part routine surgeries even though they are scary as all get out.
Here are some numbers.
Pleasant thoughts sent.
Heart pacemaker surgery: Purpose, procedure, and risks
Pacemaker implantations are highly successful, with success rates over 99%. The success rate for a 3-lead pacemaker system is about 97%.

The risk of infection after a pacemaker is 0.5–1% in the first 6–12 months. The risk of infection increases with the complexity of the device. The risk of infection is also higher for device replacement or revision procedures.
Well, i survived the proceedure. Slept thru it. The worst so far is my left arm is strapped to my chest for a couple days. Just try to do anything in that position. Will be monitored in hospital at least overnight. They said I had a 2 to 1 heart block and would have soon been dizzy and passing out as it progressed. Needed to be done.

It is supposed to take 6 to 8 weeks for full recovery. The problem is pulling out the leads if you do too much too soon.will be in a sling for a while after unstrapped. Can resume a more normal life in a couple weeks.
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