Chicken & Kielbasa


Jerome D.

TVWBB All-Star
Haven't been able to do much barbecuing lately due to my weekends being taken up by other plans (e.g. family commitments, travel, etc.), so I haven't posted any photos in a while. Fortunately, this weekend I had nothing on my schedule, so it was time for a long-overdue cook. I decided to go with a whole chicken and some fresh (i.e. uncooked & uncured) kielbasa made by my local supermarket. The fuel was Wicked Good Lump at a temperature of 250°F, using a 50/50 mix of olive wood and hickory.

The raw chicken seasoned using a rub made with chipotle pepper and Mexican chocolate...

The mandatory action shot...

The sausage finished cooking first...

The chicken right after it came off the grill...

All carved up and ready to serve...

As always, thanks for stopping by to view the photos!
Fantastic Photos Jerome!! Bird Looks Perfect & The Kielbasa As Well!
reminds me I have a pound or 2 of it in my freezer i'd better use or lose...
everything looks amazing. kielbasa is one of my favorite things and that is just gorgeous. I never see those big rings of sausage like that at my market. also your photography is stellar. really nice post.

