Chicken Drums a Little Different Way


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
As some of you know It’s been a really rough week for Barb and I. Things are somewhat getting back to normal now.
So we’ll post some of the cooks we did before the defecation hit the rotary oscillator.
Had some drums we had to use up. Decided to try something different.
Mixed a 50/50% mixture of Dijon and Mayo and brushed it on the chicken then rolled it in a mixture of seasoned fish fry and Weber’s Kick’n Chicken.
Raining again so the gasser was used.
Served with COTB and scalloped potatoes. Really a quick simple dinner but that chicken was really good.








Thanks for stopping by.
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I bet that chicken was juicy. Glad to see both of you posting again after what you have been through lately.
Rich or Barb who is going to be the first to try this recipe on your new Vortex? If the rain subsides that is.
I bet that chicken was juicy. Glad to see both of you posting again after what you have been through lately.
Rich or Barb who is going to be the first to try this recipe on your new Vortex? If the rain subsides that is.

We're trying for tomorrow, but with this who knows
Great to see you two back in the saddle. :)
Time is a great healer. I know that's a cliche, but from experience, it's true. :)
What's COB?
Barb and Rich;
Great job, again! I, too, can hardly wait to see pictures of your first cook with the Vortex! By the way, congratulations on getting the Vortex.

Keep on smokin',
Aahhh, Rich has discovered the magic of using Louisiana seasoned fish fry on things other than fish. To me it makes any other breading look like a wannabe.
Nice chicken legs Rich!
You had me confused, also. We call it "Corn on the Cob"...:rolleyes:

At any rate, we claim to be the home of the finest sweet corn ANYWHERE...My favorite way to have it is grilled direct (bare), then covered with compound butter. Flat out LOVE It!

Keep on smokin',

