California Tri Tip in Wisconsin


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
removed a half pound of fat from a 3.2 pound tri tip...


tossed the fat but seasoned the tri with Oakridge BBQ Santa Maria Rub


sliced up a coupla sweet red onions


fired up the Santa Maria Grill with Stubb's briquettes and hickory wood


another sun sets in semi-fashionable Raymond...




removed at an internal temp of 123ºF and rested for at least 15 minutes before slicing...


served on wheat rolls with those onions and roasted Brussel sprouts...



if you've had tri tip before, I ain't tellin' you nothing you already don't know:
This Stuff Is AWESOME!! Think I have five more in the freezer:D
Thanks for stoppin' by!
Thanks Dave, but I couldn't tell ya the brew this time... could be the High Life but then could have been an ale of some sort...
sheesh, it was only last night... but I have/had four different brews to choose...
Tri tip + Santa Maria grill + Jim Lampe = Holy Trinity!!!
I envy you the contents of the freezer, I have not seen Tri Tip for months:(
You always do it up right me some Tri's been awhile so I need to fix that!! Love that Santa Maria grill...I would love to add one to my collection...reminds me of real cowboy cooking!

Great post!!
Great tri-tip cook! I usually always have 2 or 3 in the freezer out here. I cook them often for family get togethers !
I just made my first Tri-Tip 2 weeks ago. It was buffalo meat from Wild Idea Buffalo. It is an awesome cut of meat.

Unfortunately, living on the east coast, I have no idea how to get this cut locally. Does anyone know if it goes by a different name on the east coast? I would love to just as a local butcher for tri-tip or something else and not look stupid doing it.
Jim, that is one nice looking TT and that plate is perfect!
Every time I see that grill it reminds me of when Barb and I would go up to the wineries in Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez in California. A couple of the wineries would throw a party for their club members and Barb and I would go up for the weekend. They would cook TTs and chicken on these huge Santa Maria grills using local oak. Really great stuff!

