Wrench throwing now, I have suddenly obtained a 22” WSM, I’m pretty sure that I can fit both in the penthouse of that rascal, I prefer the concept of not having pork fat rendering onto a prime brisket. Tried unit or, new larger? My brother (gifted me the 22) is stubborn about his method but, he’s never done cold weather smoking much. I have options as far as kettles or WSM sizes so, maybe I will do the brisket in the normal manner on the WSM and kettle the butt. It goes a little against the grain to use two heat sources but, the lesser stress level in doing a “hotsmoke” of the butt and allowing the brisket to languish, is still attractive. I’ve got a good stock of charcoal so, I’m a little at odds with myself, one fire doing double duty or simply enjoying the diversity of owning multiple cooking apparatus!
I think I need a cocktail...