Blue cheeseburgers


Clay Neubauer

I see there have been some REALLY nice burger cooks posted here lately, I'm especially going to use that idea of the stuffed beer can burgers. But, I've been a blue cheese aficionado recently and decided to capitalize on that for this one. Some of the ingredients laid out.


Prepping what I consider to be the star of this plate, pears marinating in balsamic vinegar.


Meanwhile, caramelizing some onion in butter.


Cooking outdoors after dark- checking the flip with a flashlight.


Everything topped with blue cheese.


About 4 minutes later.


Time for the cook to be marinated- making a Mint Julep from some nice Woodford Reserve bourbon.


And, here's your plate.


And for good measure, it's farming season and I always try to leave you guys (and gals) with a glimpse of that.


Heck there's room for one more cool thing, we flew my buddy's Cherokee up to the Davenport airshow and shared the ramp with Fat Albert!

Great looking burgers and some great photos. I guess the moon is made of cheese, just not blue cheese :)
that's my kind of burger! (love the blue cheese). I always enjoy the farm pictures,,,and the airplanes....and the moon.
great pictures. the cook was awesome but I love that picture of the moon. Are you a photographer?

Well, not for a living, just as an expensive hobby! The moon one is a bit of an optical illusion I guess you could say, I parked the planter and was maybe 1000 feet away from it with a long lens to achieve the "look" of the moon being so large in relation to the things on the ground.

