Steve Hoch
TVWBB Hall of Fame
Never been a big fan of that color, but it looks like it's in decent shape.Not free, but I'll spend more in gas getting it than I pay for it.
Never been a big fan of that color, but it looks like it's in decent shape.Not free, but I'll spend more in gas getting it than I pay for it.
Not my favorite color either.Never been a big fan of that color, but it looks like it's in decent shape.
My keeper will most likely end up all black, eventually.The nice thing about repainting your cookbox and endcaps is that as long as you aren't missing any paint on them you can just prep and paint without stripping it all down to bare metal.
What paint would you recommend? I know they sell the high heat ultra in a can which would work good in a spray gun.For best results, I would recommend that you use a sprayer
instead of rattle cans. You don't need anything particularly
fancy. Just a decent compressor and a cheap paint gun.
Thanks Jon.Black is the way to go! Looks really nice. Now that Weber has returned to black this is no longer a reluctant choice but actually an in style color scheme for restoring these 300 series grills. Your gray cabinetry looks excellent, and I agree with your decision. I am still thinking about an all black paint job to see what it would look like.
I am surprised how much i like the black. Logo turned out better than expected as well.
Not gonna lie - I was half hoping that when I got my warranty replacement fire box for my Genesis C, that it would show up painted black, so I could have at least painted my lid end caps and had a color theme going.Same here.
I was uneasy about changing the color, because if I hated it it would have been hard to change back to gray, since I cannot find the high temp gray -- VHT cast iron in stock anywhere. But when I walk out and look at it, it looks like it came black from the factory.