Bistecca American Style


Bill Schultz

TVWBB Hall of Fame
So first you round up some nice fresh Rosemary, this stuff is so fragrant it drives me nuts every time I walk by it


Dice up a couple of large cloves of garlic, chop up a bunch of your Rosemary, let some butter come to room temp and mash together, put it back in its original wrapper and put it in the fridge



Have the butcher cut you some Ribeye's 1 3/4 ", dress with Kosher and fresh ground BP, dress with some EVOO and then press some Rosemary into the meat on both sides and let sit for an hour or so. Bring to room temp before you cook


Corn on the Genesis, beans steaming on the side burner in a bamboo steamer, forgot the pics

Meat on the OTG indirect, took the Rosemary off, put in a foil packet with a few wholes punched in it, will provide the incredibly fragrant smoke.
Take one Bay Leaf and put it under each steak to smolder and provide wonderful flavor


At IT of 105 start searing



Pull at 130 or so and cover with foil for about 15 minutes with some patties of your garlic rosemary butter on top of each steak


Your plate with some fresh tomato from our garden and fresh Jersey corn and beans dressed with EVOO S&P and Lemon


Have a great weekend all, mine is starting right
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Bill, that is a gorgeous plate great job!!!!!!!:D There is nothing better then fresh herbs when cooking.
Fantastic cook Bill, I really like the technique, great combination of flavors, and man I miss Jersey corn

