Beef short ribs


Terry Helms

New member
I found this recipe on Malcom Reed's site,

Seasoned with salt, pepper and granulated garlic, on the WSM for 3 hours at 275 degrees with post oak and Royal Oak lump. While they smoked I mixed up a braising liquid of red wine, beef broth, carrots, onions, tomato paste, rosemary and garlic. After 3 hours of smoke, they went in the braising liquid and covered, back on the WSM for another two hours at 285 degrees. Then I strained the liquid, skimmed the fat and reduced it by half. Served with mashed taters and a nice salad. It was very good!

Those look great Terry. I love the idea of braising them, I bet they were tender.
Looks yummy !

Malcolm's Memphis Ribs are my go-to for loin back ribs.
His "The BBQ Rub" is hard to beat and is the Gold Standard in my experience.
Great cook Terry - you have inspired me to give beef short ribs a try. Way to represent for the Gulf South too!



