Beef Ribs


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Just me and the kids this is the back story.

We decided to make beef ribs. I found some with little meat but they still looked good.


seasoned with anything I found in my kitchen.


Half way done..


All done. I did the 3-2-1 method at 225F with 4 chunks of hickory. I must be honest they came out very good.



Thanks for looking. Im using my camera from work so hopefully the pictures are better than me using my phone.
Really nice looking ribs, Nice Photos, I-Phone pictures are just Ok. These have good color and and they tell a good story, Yes! You and your kids enjoyed a good look-in meal there. You got to enjoy this special time you are spending together with them,without Mom.. I am smiling now! Well done dad.
Nice looking ribs, Tony. And I bet there aren't any leftovers for tacos, either...

I also like: "seasoned with anything I found in my kitchen."
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Tony, ask your butcher to leave some meat on those bones... REALLY, you may pay an extra buck a pound, butt geezwhiz, a man's gotta have some meaty ribs once in a while!

You did GOOD
with yours!!
Oh man does that look good. I'm doing my first beef ribs this weekend and hope mine turn out as good as yours.

