Beef ribs -N- Noodles


russ olin

Closed Account
Had some beef short ribs in the freezer. Marinated them over night with McCormck's Grill Mates Montreal Steak sauce & Tatonka dust.
Into the rotten egg this morning. Smoked them for 3 hrs @ 250* with RO lump and hickory wood
After 3 hrs put them into the wifes old (very old) CI Dutch oven. Along with beef & tomato broth

Thawed out some Grandma's Frozen Noodles. Put them in with the short ribs to simmer for about 30-45 mins. Added a little more broth also.

Here is your plate of some delicious beef ribs & noodles.

This was our first try at fixing this. It came out great. Definitely something that we will be doing again. Thanks for looking and have a great week.
Russ & Deb
Outstanding looking ribs, Russ, and I'm a sucker for anything with noodles in it. Yours look great. Just picked up some of that Tatonka Dust last week. I've seen so much of it here, I had to give it a try.
That is one fantastic looking dinner. :D We just got a used Dutch oven and I'm looking forward to trying it out. Your's may be the first try.

