Lew Newby
R.I.P. 1/26/2024
I have no illusions about being a competitive BBQ Pittmaster or a chef. I am, and always will be, just an old codger who fires up a cooker in my back yard and turns out food that my family and friends actually look forward to eating. I don’t have anything against gas, electric, or wood but I prefer charcoal. I have a cheap offset (CL find $35) and have used it to smoke fish and ribs. It is great for searing a bunch of pork steaks and then cooking them indirect in a pan for two hours but a lot of work on a long cook even though I modified it. I had a little Brinkmann that I modified a lot and I learned a great deal about BBQ cooking on it for almost a year but at age 69 I wanted something that required less work so I bought a WSM. I love the WSM but I respect anyone’s choice of the cooker they select.
I am not a purist but I like to try new techniques and foods and keep experimenting until I find what works for me. I respect everyone’s opinion but I don’t have to do things their way. It doesn’t bother me if you foil or don’t foil your ribs, pork butt, or Brisket. It doesn’t bother me if you spritz or mop, cook low and slow or use high heat, use lump or briquettes, refuse to use Kingsford, or use water in your cooker. I’ve tried them all and settled on what works for me and that took two years of trial and error. I suspect that’s what you did so if we do everything different that’s OK with me. My way isn’t necessarily right but it works.
What I like about BBQ is that we can each find what works for us and still respect others that do it differently. As long as my family and friends really like what I cook then that’s all that matters to me. I’m going for the flavor they like just like a competition Pittmaster strives for the flavor that wows the judges. By the way, I have a ton of respect for those of you that compete. That’s a lot of work and if I were younger -------wellllll, maybe not.
In short I don’t feel that there is one absolutely right way to cook BBQ and one of the enjoyments of this addiction is trying new things and learning as I progress. For me it’s all about having fun with the process. I think I’m hooked.
I am not a purist but I like to try new techniques and foods and keep experimenting until I find what works for me. I respect everyone’s opinion but I don’t have to do things their way. It doesn’t bother me if you foil or don’t foil your ribs, pork butt, or Brisket. It doesn’t bother me if you spritz or mop, cook low and slow or use high heat, use lump or briquettes, refuse to use Kingsford, or use water in your cooker. I’ve tried them all and settled on what works for me and that took two years of trial and error. I suspect that’s what you did so if we do everything different that’s OK with me. My way isn’t necessarily right but it works.
What I like about BBQ is that we can each find what works for us and still respect others that do it differently. As long as my family and friends really like what I cook then that’s all that matters to me. I’m going for the flavor they like just like a competition Pittmaster strives for the flavor that wows the judges. By the way, I have a ton of respect for those of you that compete. That’s a lot of work and if I were younger -------wellllll, maybe not.

In short I don’t feel that there is one absolutely right way to cook BBQ and one of the enjoyments of this addiction is trying new things and learning as I progress. For me it’s all about having fun with the process. I think I’m hooked.