Baked potatoe



TVWBB Olympian
A fast post...Nothing advanced....But Good!


Filling: Grilled bell/bacon and Cheese,mixed with cottage cheese(salt/pepper)

Taters and corn(taters 2h indirect)

Served with a leftover Pork roll.

Thanks 4 you time!
Chris needs to put that last pic on the homepage!

I envy your cooking, creativity, and photography!
(and your potatoe)
Top notch post all the way Daniel!!!
Now, THAT is a loaded baked potato. As always, excellent meal and pics.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bob Correll:
Chris needs to put that last pic on the homepage!

I envy your cooking, creativity, and photography!
(and your potatoe)
Top notch post all the way Daniel!!! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Couldn't have said it better myself!! FANTABULOUS!!!!!!!
Wow Daniel! that is what I needed to see after a hard days work! Great looking plate. Like the presentation made me laugh.
I sorry but unless that rock is right next to the kitchen table, that plate would have been empty long before I got there!

Seriously righteous looking eats there! Why go out to eat when we can do stuff like this? Eat your heart out Bobby Flay.
Thanks ppl! But its just a tater.

Joel Kiess: Get your a$$ over here and i cook whatever you want!

JimK/Mark Skeet: More is better,too much is just about right!

DrTrobridge: Funny stuff once i googled it! Guess i need to lern how to spell.

Jeff Brown (KY) : Its not a random rock

Thanks again!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">DrTrobridge: Funny stuff once i googled it! Guess i need to lern how to spell. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Everything's cool with your potatoe Daniel.
fantastic looking tater Daniel! Great selection of toppings.

One of our favorites is topping a baked potato with shredded pork/beef, BBQ sauce, red onions and cheddar cheese.

