Baby Backs or St. Louis Ribs


Brian M.

Just curious what is your favorite for ribs?

1 Baby Back

2. St Louis.

I'm kind of a novice, but have been getting the St. Louis and I must say the trimmings are starting to build up in the freezer. I don't have a real solid reason for this except I read that the St Louis have more meat on them.

I believe both types are on sale at Sam's. I am going there tomorrow and will know for sure.

So what's your choice???
I like both but prefer St. Louis ribs. I agree with Jason, do the trimmings from spares, just like you do ribs. My wife has also done them (the trimmings from spares) in the oven to make pulled pork from them. Sounds crazy but eats VERY well:cool:

I like both, loin backs to me have more meat on the bone, spares have a lot of trimmings that makes for what Dwain said is good.
I really like the St Louis style but they are not as common here. Sometimes I find the BB have too much meat on them.
I prefer well both but typically cook baby backs because that is what my son likes. He hates the little knuckle in St. Louis ribs.
Whatever is on sale. I do prefer BB though. From the pics and discussions I see I think the BB we get in Ontario have more meat to them than the ones you guys get in the States, our BB have more meat on them normally than the rib portion of side ribs.
I like both, but prefer st. louis ribs. Although back ribs have more meat on them, spares have more fat and richness, making easier to barbecue, IMHO. The flavor is fantastic and I rarely glaze spares anymore.
I like both, but prefer st. louis ribs. Although back ribs have more meat on them, spares have more fat and richness, making easier to barbecue, IMHO. The flavor is fantastic and I rarely glaze spares anymore.

couldn't agree more.........I just did some spares and served them unglazed with sauce on the side and my wife loved em'!

we really don't have a preference, whatever is on sale.......if they're done right, they're all goooooooooood!
Send me any unwanted tips, I'll safely dispose of them.
Generally spares trimmed St. Louis style. Trimmings are just about as good as the ribs. In fact, I think TGI Fridays sells them as riblets.
Glad to see so many people not glazing their STL cuts. I'm there, too--although my family, and many friends/guests, vehemently disagree!
Glad to see so many people not glazing their STL cuts. I'm there, too--although my family, and many friends/guests, vehemently disagree!

None of us 'round here are from Memphis and were all accustomed to glazed ribs, but it looks like I've pretty much won 'em over.

