Bob Correll
R.I.P. 3/31/2022
For a little burn test, I fired up a basket of Stubb's (left) and one with Kingsford Competition.
Made a mop of 1/2 cup each cider vinegar and water, plus 1/4 cup bbq sauce.
Slab in the middle, sugar maple for smoke.
Stubb's side after 1/2 hour.
KC side.
Wood burn during a mop session.
I normally get BB's from Costco and they remove the membrane.
Bought these elsewhere, and forgot, but it came off after a char, and pooch was treated.
Rub mixture on small end, Rendezvous on the other.
Partially sauced with Bandana's Sweet & Smoky.
Served with corn, and a side of potato salad.
I had a couple with each rub, all were excellent.
Nearly 2.5 hrs. total cook time.
After about 2 hrs. the coals were dumped, slab went direct, and some serious moppin' and flippin' took place.
I've found that for a quick grilling session the K-Comp is fine, but burns up pretty fast.
Lump and Stubb's will stay my main grilling fuels, and KBB for long WSM smokes.
Thanks for dropping by!
Made a mop of 1/2 cup each cider vinegar and water, plus 1/4 cup bbq sauce.
Slab in the middle, sugar maple for smoke.
Stubb's side after 1/2 hour.
KC side.
Wood burn during a mop session.
I normally get BB's from Costco and they remove the membrane.
Bought these elsewhere, and forgot, but it came off after a char, and pooch was treated.
Rub mixture on small end, Rendezvous on the other.
Partially sauced with Bandana's Sweet & Smoky.
Served with corn, and a side of potato salad.
I had a couple with each rub, all were excellent.
Nearly 2.5 hrs. total cook time.
After about 2 hrs. the coals were dumped, slab went direct, and some serious moppin' and flippin' took place.
I've found that for a quick grilling session the K-Comp is fine, but burns up pretty fast.
Lump and Stubb's will stay my main grilling fuels, and KBB for long WSM smokes.
Thanks for dropping by!