Baby Backs on the kettle using Stubb's and K-Comp


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
For a little burn test, I fired up a basket of Stubb's (left) and one with Kingsford Competition.

Made a mop of 1/2 cup each cider vinegar and water, plus 1/4 cup bbq sauce.

Slab in the middle, sugar maple for smoke.

Stubb's side after 1/2 hour.

KC side.

Wood burn during a mop session.

I normally get BB's from Costco and they remove the membrane.
Bought these elsewhere, and forgot, but it came off after a char, and pooch was treated.

Rub mixture on small end, Rendezvous on the other.

Partially sauced with Bandana's Sweet & Smoky.

Served with corn, and a side of potato salad.

I had a couple with each rub, all were excellent.
Nearly 2.5 hrs. total cook time.
After about 2 hrs. the coals were dumped, slab went direct, and some serious moppin' and flippin' took place.

I've found that for a quick grilling session the K-Comp is fine, but burns up pretty fast.
Lump and Stubb's will stay my main grilling fuels, and KBB for long WSM smokes.

Thanks for dropping by!
I believe you every word, my friend. And the ribs ... they look delicious!! Both variants!!
Nice cook and perfect pics Bob.
Fantastic ribs and sides Bob! I quit buying K Comp as it definitely burns up quicker than KBB or Stubbs.
If Costco has K Comp on sale as they normally do down here in the summer I may get some just for quick
cooks. I'm with you on lump charcoal (I use RO) and for the long cooks KBB. I started a butt this morning at
8:00 AM with 3/4 ring of KBB and it still has some burning as I type this.
Nice treatment of the ribs Bob. You must have done thus eat high hear. On my WSM it usually takes me 4 hr for spares. Looks mighty tasty!
Everything looks tasty! I agree with you. I prefer Stubbs Briqs over Kingsford but will stock up on Kingsford when it is on sale, and use Stubbs any other time.
Great looking ribs Bob and thanks for the test on charcoals! I get the feeling it doesn't really matter what you cook with though....
Thanks folks!

Gary, these were baby backs, not spares, hence a quicker cook.
I should have noted that I was going for a modified Rendezvous method.
High heat, no rub until the end, and mopped often.

Jason, My wife and I are talking about going to Memphis this fall for our 30th anniversary, and dining at the Rendezvous will be a must!

