Baby Backs on the kettle using Stubb's and K-Comp

Your exprimental ribs look perfect from here!

Your are soo luky to have choise. We have only awful raw charcoal (small pieces) and weber briqs. It could be really interesting FOR ME to compare the most famous Kingford briqs with weber ones. May he someone of You can do it!
You could say .... What you don't know can't hurt you but im soo curious!
Bob, great technique on the ribs they sure look good and thanks for sharing the info on the coals I've only used KBB and was looking to try something else so I appreciate the information.
Bob...not only do I live the way you cook, but I like the way you think. Thanks for the review on the charcoal, I will keep this in mind.
Bob, love the charcoal test. I agree with you on all above mentioned charcoals. As far as the ribs you didn't share. But I bet they were great.
This Looks P E R F E C T ! !


Beautiful Backs Bob!!
That plate makes me want ribs, even though I had some last weekend! Nothing better than grilled corn. It's a shame I grew up eating boiled corn. :( I never knew how good corn could be.

Stubbs is nice charcoal, but pricey in my area. It's made by Cowboy ( I used the Stubbs in the WSM last weekend. I was surprised how long it took for the white smoke to go away, about 1 hour! So I had to wait an hour before putting the ribs on. I don't put wood in, until I put meat on. Noticed no difference in taste over KBB in the WSM or kettle.

