Anyone Here Using this Coffee Grinder?

Interesting data points, @LMichaels . FWIW, my Technivorm CDT calls for 100 grams per pot (12 cup?)

Our Breville grinder is still soldiering on, but did try to stall during the morning grind. I think I may take your suggestion when I change out grinders and start weighing out the beans before grinding.
Interesting data points, @LMichaels . FWIW, my Technivorm CDT calls for 100 grams per pot (12 cup?)

Our Breville grinder is still soldiering on, but did try to stall during the morning grind. I think I may take your suggestion when I change out grinders and start weighing out the beans before grinding.
That is interesting. I have the "10? Cup" In reality 10 on that is more like 4 to 5 max. So I wonder if the 12 cup is rated for more than 4oz "cups" of coffee? Is it more than 48oz of water? I had the OXO Barista Brain and it rated a cup of coffee at 6oz IIRC but it also called for 8 or 9 grams per cup.
That is interesting. I have the "10? Cup" In reality 10 on that is more like 4 to 5 max. So I wonder if the 12 cup is rated for more than 4oz "cups" of coffee? Is it more than 48oz of water? I had the OXO Barista Brain and it rated a cup of coffee at 6oz IIRC but it also called for 8 or 9 grams per cup.
I start with 2 quarts of water.
BTW I will attest to how quietly that smaller grinder from Shidiip (which is the same as the Shardor one) runs. This AM at 0600 was out in the kitchen and did not even wake up grandson sleeping in living room. Or the babies.
BTW I will attest to how quietly that smaller grinder from Shidiip (which is the same as the Shardor one) runs. This AM at 0600 was out in the kitchen and did not even wake up grandson sleeping in living room. Or the babies.
It is. Very nice find and thanks for sharing;-)
So now I find myself with 3 grinders LOL. The OXO sits in the basement still in original shipping box from OXO, the Shardor 51 setting Espresso compatible been used maybe 6X, and the Shidiip is on the counter actually being used daily. Both the Shidiip and the Shardor are superior in performance to the OXO. Basically the Shardor was free. They not only sent me a new machine but also fully refunded my purchase. I may just throw the OXO up on EBay and recoup my original purchase if possible and be done. :D
So now I find myself with 3 grinders LOL. The OXO sits in the basement still in original shipping box from OXO, the Shardor 51 setting Espresso compatible been used maybe 6X, and the Shidiip is on the counter actually being used daily. Both the Shidiip and the Shardor are superior in performance to the OXO. Basically the Shardor was free. They not only sent me a new machine but also fully refunded my purchase. I may just throw the OXO up on EBay and recoup my original purchase if possible and be done. :D
Collecting coffee grinders is the new bamboo pajamas and beet gummies. Consider yourself a rebel living on the edge and paving the way for the masses. A leader of men!!
A little off subject. I noticed people mentioning pre washing their coffee filters. What is the purpose of that? Do you put the filter in the basket and fill with water? Or do you run water on it and then try to get it in the basket. I did the latter this AM. Can't say it was an easy operation LOL
Your paper filter is slightly absorbent, and a dry filter will absorb the first few drops of coffee that flow through it. These drops are full of some of the best flavors in your brew and most of coffee's natural oilss. By wetting the filter before brewing you give all of those tasty drops a direct path into your cup.

For me counting or measuring before I have caffeine is a challenge, and I like fresh ground just before brewing so I weigh the coffee.

The filter basket sits nicely on the scale.


75g French roast


A few drops of water to control the static.


Into the grinder. Then I wet the filter.

Sometimes I wait to put the carafe under and stir the grounds. Sometimes I skip wetting the filter. Sometimes I'll go with 80g if I want it stronger.
I had never heard of this until I noticed someone commenting on Amazon about how a filter brand I was looking at, had a couple people saying how they fell apart after being rinsed. So, it looks like you simply run the water on it in the basket. Thankfully I have no need to wet my beans. That little Shidiip grinder does an amazing job of keeping static at bay and the new Shardor (51 setting unit) I have as well does a very good job of holding static at bay. The little guy is better though at that and quieter. Especially important on Saturday AMs when we have babies here. Last thing I want to do is wake the babies LOL
We only buy the unbleached variety like the ones listed but basket style
When I had the Bunn, I found I could not use any other filters but Bunn. Otherwise the grounds would over flow the basket and make a mess. Now I have 2 boxes of brand new Bunn filters and use a cone style brewer LOL.
When I had the Bunn, I found I could not use any other filters but Bunn. Otherwise the grounds would over flow the basket and make a mess. Now I have 2 boxes of brand new Bunn filters and use a cone style brewer LOL.
Let's say I'm thrifty. I have used all sorts of filters in the not intended way. I have used basket types in cones, cut them up to fit others, etc. I also found that packing the grinds down like espresso stops them from over flowing the basket, as for some reason the ones we got last time are a bit shorter than usual and will not be buying them again.

