Another new Kingsford charcoal coming soon?

They had some at my local WM for $10 per bag.
I'll burn some for my chuck eyes this evening, maybe do a little test burn too against Kbb, but will wait for Chris A's more scientific test that I'm sure will come.
I am happy with KBB for grilling, but I find (more expensive) Stubbs lasts longer for smoking projects.

I'll be on the lookout for this new product. Curious to see how it stacks up against the Stubbs.
Went to my local Lowes today to pick up a few bags. Web site says they have 28 bags in stock (and still does).
Got there and found exactly ONE bag on the shelf and was priced at $10.98 for the 11.1 bag.

I also happened to be in Walmart today but could not find any.

Well, I got one bag to try this weekend...
Was in my local Walmart a few days ago and did a double take in the outside area where they have all the charcoal etc, because one bag of the new Kingsford Long-Burning charcoal was on the shelf. I was not expecting until mid January per Kingsford email to me. $9.98 for the 11lb bag. So I snagged it and felt like a kid in the candy store!. I gave it the maiden voyage in my WSM 14.5 on a 9lb butt on Friday. Here are some observations:

- very little smoke on light up in my Weber Chimney (had about 15-18 coals), less smoke than KBB for sure and clean appealing non chemical smell
- about 15 min till all coals were orange and ready (bag said ready in about 15 so spot on)
- poured coals in middle of tin can, then removed can, with a loaded ring of unlit coals and a few pieces of Apple wood
- Dialed in at 250 then put the butt on and for the next 6.5 hours my temp stayed at 250 (plus minus 5 degrees - I had therm at the grate to verify). I use a clay saucer (foiled) and no water pan
- I checked the coals at the 3, 5, and 6 hours marks - very little ash at the 3 and 5 hr marks and all coals burning as the bag stated slow and uniform very little ash. At 6.5 hour mark coals were about 75% gone
- Added about 12 lit coals at the 7 hour mark, knowing I had about an hour of cooking to go and my temp finally dropped 25 degrees at the 7 hour mark so it was a wise time to add
- Finished the butt in 8 hours and temps again were at solid 250 degrees with a consistent 1/3 opening of all three bottom vents 90% of the cook.

Next morning, emptied the ash with these final observations: every cook is different depending on the weather, meat etc, but I felt I got about an extra hour out of the coals than KBB before refueling. I thought they produced less ash vs KBB based on previous identical cooks, less smoke and a very consistent burn. The 12 coals I added at the 7 hour mark even had about 1/2 life left to reuse. At $9.98 the price is identical to Kingford Comp/Professional at my stores for the 11lb bag, but of course much more expensive than KBB. I would buy again but would like to see in the 2 pack, 18lb bags to bring $$ in between KBB and King Pro.. Nice addition to the line..
It says it burns 25% longer, but I bet it'll cost more than 25% more than Kingsford Blue Bag. They sell a tremendous amount of Blue Bag which keeps the cost down and they have multiple sales per year that really bring down the cost. I can't imagine they'll sell as much of this so it'll most likely not have nearly as good a cost per pound even after accounting for the longer burn time.

Just my two cents.


I with you, Bill. I'm buying KBB for under $.30/lb. on sale, so, assuming a 25% longer burn time, I should be willing to pay $.40/lb (presumably on sale). Unsure if the convenience is worth 2.5x that. Also, on REALLY long cooks (like a whole shoulder), I just add more charcoal. In short, I'm struggling along just fine.
Was in my local Walmart a few days ago and did a double take in the outside area where they have all the charcoal etc, because one bag of the new Kingsford Long-Burning charcoal was on the shelf. I was not expecting until mid January per Kingsford email to me. $9.98 for the 11lb bag. So I snagged it and felt like a kid in the candy store!. I gave it the maiden voyage in my WSM 14.5 on a 9lb butt on Friday. Here are some observations:

- very little smoke on light up in my Weber Chimney (had about 15-18 coals), less smoke than KBB for sure and clean appealing non chemical smell
- about 15 min till all coals were orange and ready (bag said ready in about 15 so spot on)
- poured coals in middle of tin can, then removed can, with a loaded ring of unlit coals and a few pieces of Apple wood
- Dialed in at 250 then put the butt on and for the next 6.5 hours my temp stayed at 250 (plus minus 5 degrees - I had therm at the grate to verify). I use a clay saucer (foiled) and no water pan
- I checked the coals at the 3, 5, and 6 hours marks - very little ash at the 3 and 5 hr marks and all coals burning as the bag stated slow and uniform very little ash. At 6.5 hour mark coals were about 75% gone
- Added about 12 lit coals at the 7 hour mark, knowing I had about an hour of cooking to go and my temp finally dropped 25 degrees at the 7 hour mark so it was a wise time to add
- Finished the butt in 8 hours and temps again were at solid 250 degrees with a consistent 1/3 opening of all three bottom vents 90% of the cook.

Next morning, emptied the ash with these final observations: every cook is different depending on the weather, meat etc, but I felt I got about an extra hour out of the coals than KBB before refueling. I thought they produced less ash vs KBB based on previous identical cooks, less smoke and a very consistent burn. The 12 coals I added at the 7 hour mark even had about 1/2 life left to reuse. At $9.98 the price is identical to Kingford Comp/Professional at my stores for the 11lb bag, but of course much more expensive than KBB. I would buy again but would like to see in the 2 pack, 18lb bags to bring $$ in between KBB and King Pro.. Nice addition to the line..

Great write-up on this new product. Very helpful post
I love the idea of a lot less smoke upon lighting. My least favorite part of the whole smoking process is how smokey the KBB is upon lighting.
I was at Farm & Fleet this am and saw another K charcoal.




