Again with the High Heat Ribs

I've been toying with getting that expansion ring along with the charcoal ring and heat diffuser but it looks like cajun bandit recently jacked up their prices on everything with the updated web site.
I myself prefer HH when doing's the only way for me. I only do slow and low ribs when friends come over...
Thank you everyone for your very kind words, i do appreciate it! :o

Great looking ribs, and you always seem to have good veggie sides. Nice.

About the extension used - how tall is it, was that to keep the ribs a bit further away from the briqs ?
Thank you Mark! ummm, not being anywhere near it at the moment, i believe it is 10"... and i really only used it because it was still on the grill from a previous cook. All the other High Heat Baby Back rib cooks i've done were without the extension.

Ribs look great Jim, I do the HH ribs a lot now but without an extension ring. What's the advantage of using the extension?
Thank you Rich. I'm not sure if using an extension is advantageous or not... i tend to think not.
Again, i used it only cuz it was around.

Those ribs and the sides look amazing. Haven't tried the HH method but will put it on the list. I also am wondering about the advantages of using an extension ring for the cook. Is it the same ring as the roti ring? Keep posting those great cooks.
Hi Bob! and thank you! Again, i believe there is no advantage using the extension.

I like the idea of increasing height from source, very ingenious.
Tell me about the sprouts, the fingerlings look pretty nice too!
Hi Timothy, thanks to you too! Umm, Brussels sprouts with sauteéd onions... not much to tell....

Great cook Jim - that smoke ring is perfection itself! I am amazed that you got it in that short amount of time. Did you use extra smoke wood? How a bout a recipe for the 'sprouts sir?


Hi John, Thanks! No extra wood, just one large split of fresh applewood... it smelled wonderful too! and the recipe for the Brussels sprouts is:
"chop sprouts, add salt and pepper and pan roast. Add sauteéd onions moments before serving"

I've been toying with getting that expansion ring along with the charcoal ring and heat diffuser but it looks like cajun bandit recently jacked up their prices on everything with the updated web site.
Yup Dustin, prices do go up from time to time...

I myself prefer HH when doing's the only way for me. I only do slow and low ribs when friends come over...
Yes, Felix, high heat for baby backs and low and slow for spare ribs.

Thank you all very much! And please stay warm! it's 6º out there (somewhere) ;)
More high heat blasphemy! I lasted years as a low 'n slow purist. Foiling (Texas crutch) was cheating and not for me. Then I started cooking my butts at 250+ instead of 225 and my fall began. I lost my virginity when I cooked my first HH brisket. I felt so ashamed. Thanksgiving, I cooked a 16lb brisket in 7 hours (+1 hour for the burnt ends). Everybody raved and I no longer felt the shame. Now, I'm thinking about HH ribs? God help me!
More high heat blasphemy! I lasted years as a low 'n slow purist. Foiling (Texas crutch) was cheating and not for me. Then I started cooking my butts at 250+ instead of 225 and my fall began. I lost my virginity when I cooked my first HH brisket. I felt so ashamed. Thanksgiving, I cooked a 16lb brisket in 7 hours (+1 hour for the burnt ends). Everybody raved and I no longer felt the shame. Now, I'm thinking about HH ribs? God help me!
Jim you are a terible prrson converting all of us the high heat ribs, butts, and anything else you have done.
It is good to see those who venture to do something different.
Well done Jim.
It goes against conventional wisdom, but so does high heat brisket, and that has produced my best briskets time and again.

Guess I'll be trying this with ribs soon.
Jim: I finally stepped up to the plate and took a swing at your High Heat Ribs, what took me so long, as the ribs came out perfectly.

Did some Vortex wings and High Heat Ribs, Just a few bbq photos this time.


The ribs foiled after and hour.


Thing you can learn from Jim Lamp, I think the 22.5 WSM will be hitting Craigslist, and a 14" will replace it.
The results speak for themselves...they look super! I've done lots of 60 minute total time BB cooks but on a rotisserie. If you have a roti I'll share a concept with you I'm sure you'll love.
Great looking rib's Jim...High heat is the way to go can't tell you when the last time I did low and slow on any style rib's
Because of the large distance between the USA and Belgium, Oakridge BBQ Santa Maria Rub is not available in Belgium... ;)

Is it possible to give me a great alternative or to give ingredients for it? Thanks in advance, people!

