A little Mother's Day brisket

George, that is one very nice shot. Brisket is outstanding and the wine wow, I'd say you nailed that one.
George that is a wonderful looking brisket. It looks very juicy which means you got it perfect! Nice bark too. But very little info on how you smoked it, temps, times, etc... Inquiring minds want to know!:)
So inquiring minds want to know... Started off with a 12 lbs brisket (smaller than my usual). Salt, pepper and garlic rub. Smoked on WSM 22.5 with hickory and oak wine barrel chunks (from Marynissen so there's the wine tie in), no water in pan I use sand. 4.5 hours at 250, sprits with apple juice, foiled and then 5 hours at 225. And yes it was juicy. I like the point and the wife prefers the flat.
You know what they say "Happy wife happy life". As long as I am cooking, she's happy.

