A Better Brisket with Coffee BBQ Sauce


Gary H. NJ

TVWBB Platinum Member
I've found that my brisket has improved drastically now that I brine the brisky, and foil it when smoking when I hit a 150F internal temp...
Here she is, nearly 14 lb.


Brined for ten hours on Saturday with 4 cups apple juice, 12 cups cold water, 1/2 cup kosher salt, 1/4 cup sugar. I know some brines call for aromatics, but for a short brining period, and for a meat that's to be smoked, I figured none of those flavors would come through anyway. Keep it simple...
Rubbed and ready to go with ground black pepper, white pepper, chili flakes, granulated garlic and onion, coffee beans, cumin, ancho. Set on the smoker at 7 pm.


The next morning, a brisket selfie. Looking good. Just at the 150F internal temp; time to foil. She did another three hours till tender, then back on unfoiled for an hour to tighten up the bark. Got a brushing of sauce with honey added and went another 1/2 hour for the flat. The point was separated and it went on for another couple hours.


Flat sliced, point cubed.



And sauced. A word about that sauce - best I've had in quite some time. Coffee-based and perfect with beef. I tweaked it to my own liking, but here' the recipe. Make note that Chef David Burke strains the ingredients when finished. I adjusted the amounts and puréed mine. I like it.


Served with roasted butternut squash (from our garden in the Fall) and braised anise with dill and orange juice (not pictured). A little different for Q. Why not?


Thanks for stopping by. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Watch out for that black ice! - G
Hey Jersey, why the h@ll did I not get a call? Beautiful man, just beautiful. Tweaking and testing, that's what it's all about. Well done.
Gary, that is a gorgeous brisket, beautifully cooked and presented. Bark and smoke ring are fantastic. Great job! Love that squash dish also.
Brisket looks delicious, but that butternut squash next to it....might be the kicker! Great looking meal. Thanks for the details.

