5ive good eets


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
a number of cooks over the last week or so thrown into a slide show type a thing...
started with "Tailgater brats" (sorry no plated shots)
then chuck eyes with nopales & knob onions with sweet peppers
followed by beercan chicken with FLORIDA-MEXICOrn and a GREAT garden fresh spinach salad...
...and monster thick pork rib chops with more peppers, sweet taters & Brussel sprouts...
finally, some simple sriracha beef burgers smothered in very sharp cheddar cheese on Ciabatta with a side of broccoli

Maddie is exhausted!

thanks for stoppin' by:)
Jim - this is a little odd to type - it was a little less painful to watch - slideshow style.
Still massively impressive, don't know how you squeeze an extra 4 hours outta the day, and I wish I had a bite from each day, but I'm not depressed like I usually am... when I can linger on each pic (& I linger :cool:)
1, Tailgater brats - AWESOME! I could eat this every day

2, Chuck eyes with nopales & knob onions with sweet peppers - AWESOME! They'll just have to try.

3, Beercan chicken with FLORIDA-MEXICOrn and a GREAT garden fresh spinach salad - AWESOME! One of the most beautiful birds I've ever seen.

4, Pork rib chops with more peppers, sweet taters & Brussel sprouts - AWESOME! This could certainly be a big favorite to win Throwdown # 20: Pork Chops

5, Sriracha beef burgers smothered in very sharp cheddar cheese on Ciabatta with a side of broccoli - AWESOME! Love it.

Love all!!! Nice presentation Jim!
(though, I'm on the same boat as Brian:))
Jim, you are making the rest of us look like amateurs again! What would you compare the ream City too?
Wow Jim u don't mess around ...all around great eats and I loved the slide show!! Great grilling buddy..looking like great spring/summer cooking right there!!


