2nd try at pizza on the grill


Robert T

My first pizza I posted was an epic failure. i burned the crust. it was barely edible. I took the advice of several members and this time raised my pizza stone on bricks. We did this last Sunday. I wanted a good flavor so Kim was kind enough to make her marinara sauce and put it down on the packaged pizza dough.



The kids love cheese pizza so the first pie was for them.




And the our pizza with our faves for ingredients




The final result was somewhat disappointing. While it was much better than the first effort the crust was not crisp, very soft in the middle. Next time put some direct coals under the stone to try and firm up the crust. But its really fun trying to perfect our recipe.

Thanks for looking!
Robert I have tried using a stone and then I seen a video where they put in on a pizza pan on the grill and neither way I had good results. My best results are when I put the dough on the cooking grate itself. I cook the first side for about four minutes and then flip it and add the toppings and let it cook for about another 5-10 minutes and that is the best way I have found to do it. But that is just my way.....lol......
Those are some great pizzas, I do think you didn't have enough heat, thus the crust you described. It's a real fine line in the kettle when it comes to how much heat. I'm impressed I never could make good pizza on the kettle, for your 2nd time you did great. Kim looks amazing in her Bengals jersey, I'm a Bengals fan now (my home teams are the felony niners, and da Raiders, I don't think even Kim sporting one of their jerseys can help them :)
One of my daughter & son-in-law's hobby is pizza on the grill. They say..... a thin crust & very little topping (small pieces of meat/veggies) is the secret. They make killer pizzas.
Robert T;
I regularly do pizza on a raised stone (resting on two fire bricks as you are doing. I put one and one half Weber Chimneys (all coals lit) spread evenly on the charcoal grate. I let the stone heat up to five hundred degrees (by laser thermometer) before I put the first pizza on. You might want to take a look at this new thread of mine:


Also be sure to open the links for some more examples.

You are close, you just need to heat the stone properly and you'll be "good to go".

Those are some great looking pizzas Robert. We never use brinks, we put the stone in till it get real HOT real HOT then add the pizza. Crust comes out great but I make my own thin crest dough. It's my go to recipe never fails. You and Kim keep trying, your getting close and its fun and great eats too.
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Those are some great looking pizzas Robert. We never use brinks, we put the stone in till it get real HOT real HOT then add the pizza. Crust comes out great but I make my own thin crest dough. It's my go to recipe never fails. You and Kim keep trying, your getting close and its fun and great eats too.

Like Barb says if using a stone it needs to be very hot. Before we got the Kettle Pizza attachment and dedicated our second performer to making pies we used to just use the gasser. We did it direct by putting the crust on the grill for a few minutes and then taking it off flipping it and adding the ingredients. Kind of a pain but made some great pies that way.
Hang in there you two I'm sure you will get it figured out.
Robert I have tried using a stone and then I seen a video where they put in on a pizza pan on the grill and neither way I had good results. My best results are when I put the dough on the cooking grate itself. I cook the first side for about four minutes and then flip it and add the toppings and let it cook for about another 5-10 minutes and that is the best way I have found to do it. But that is just my way.....lol......

^^^THIS^^^ On my Summit. Always get nice crisp, lightly chared crust. My family loves 'em!
Thanks for the helpful comments everyone. Today we are giving it another go only this time using home made dough from Barb's recipe. I can't wait. I'm going to follow Robert McGee's advice and put more coals directly under the raised stone. Thanks again!
I tried the pizza a few times too. My results were disastrous and I gave up. You two are an inspiration for me. I must try it again. Your pizza does not look bad;)
Robert & Kim, keep trying and you will get it right. took us a few times to get it right too.
Looking forward to your next pizza post soon

