21oz Ribeye on the Kettle



21oz Ribeye from the dog meat selection at Kroger. Salt and Pepper with a mixture of KBB and hardwood charcoal to raise up the heat.

I'll let this pictures speak

Kettle fired up with KBB and hardwood

Off the grill after 4 minutes a side Direct heat and 4 minutes offset
Looks great. Some of the best steaks I have every had were from the "managers special" box.
Nice steak!

However, it looks a little lonely and that looks like a 22" kettle...the purchase of an 18" for this kind of cook is clearly justified.;)
Beautiful job on that steak. I don't make a trip to the grocery without checking the clearance bin. I've gotten some great deals.
Steak looks amazing!
Last handful of Ribeyes I've done have been smoked on the WSM, absolutely unbelievable.
For a seared single steak, try it directly on the charcoal chimney.

