1st Attempt...Crash hot potato with Brats


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I see Jim Lampe doing Crash hot potatos and decided to make some tonight. But I didnt do it right Im either over cooked the potato or im very strong. It was all good. Its started with a little grease fire and ended with a nice dinner. Any tips or suggestion are welcomed. I showed my wife how they are suppose to look and she just smiled and said they were fine..

how it started...

Grilled onions...

the main event...


removed the onions and added the potatos...


plated and ready to eat. I added butter and salt and pepper. Thanks for looking.

Good looking crashers and brats Tony!! You did it up right and looks like the grates got cleaned up in the process!

Tony, looks good to me. I'll be on the next train out. Keep that grease fire going so we have a light to get through the night....:)
Hey Tony,

I do crash hots alot and they never come out looking as good as Jims. I have found though that using small red potatoes works better, more skin to potato ratio which gives more skin to get crispy. If I use whole potatoes and they arent small I cut them in half. Either way, they all come out tasty as I'm sure yours did...
Like Rick said Tony, New Potatoes or Reds have waxy skin and different texture, but those look like they ate the same!
I have never made the crash hots so can't comment on how they look. But that last picture of the plated food looked great.

